`Enrico Lupi Re-Elected at RE.C.O.MED - Olive Oil Times
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Enrico Lupi Re-Elected at RE.C.O.MED

By Luciana Squadrilli
Jul. 7, 2014 09:02 UTC
Enrico Lupi (left) with Antonio Balenzano of Citta’ dell’Olio.

Re.C.O.Med, the Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network, was born in Imperia on the 18th of November 2011 dur­ing the first edi­tion of the Mediterranean Diet Forum. It involves 12 found­ing mem­bers — Italy, Albania, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Morocco, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey – while the 13th, Lebanon, was granted mem­ber­ship dur­ing the 2nd edi­tion of the Forum, held in Imperia on November 2012.

The 2014 General Assembly was held in Greece on June 20 – 21, 2014, where 11 coun­tries out of 13 were present. Delegates dis­cussed ongo­ing projects: amongs these, the offi­cial web­site, recomed.com, that will include the Mediterranean Food Blog Platform. Another project for dis­cus­sion is the involve­ment of social media and blog­gers with the launch of a Mediterranean Food Blogger Contest that will run along­side the next Imperia Mediterranean Diet Forum.

A Scientific Committee – which included the Maniatakeion Foundation based in Koroni (named by UNESCO as a Flagship Community of Greece for the Mediterranean Diet) was set up to work on five the­matic areas related to the Mediterranean diet. Its final results will be pre­sented dur­ing the inter­na­tional EXPO 2015 in Milan, whose main theme is feed­ing the Planet.”

The Assembly was also the occa­sion to vote for the renewal of the net­work’s pres­i­dency for the next two years. Enrico Lupi, chair­man of the Italian National Association Città dell’Olio and for­mer RE.C.O.MED chair­man, was unan­i­mously re-elected. An entre­pre­neur, born in Imperia and already holder of sev­eral offi­cial posi­tions in the Liguria Region, Enrico Lupi is also pres­i­dent at the International Mediterranean Diet Forum, part of the MedDiet strate­gic project funded by the European Union.

RE.C.O.MED is a hugely sat­is­fy­ing expe­ri­ence,” Lupi said, that con­cerns and involves all the Mediterranean coun­tries and their local admin­is­tra­tive offices, in a shared project to pro­mote the Mediterranean olive-grow­ing cul­ture. It is nec­es­sary to care­fully work on the infor­ma­tion and knowl­edge-shar­ing of the prod­uct and the ter­ri­tory. In the next two years, we will put more focus on the web to get in touch directly with con­sumers and olive oil enthu­si­asts from all over the World, who appre­ci­ate the healthy food and life-style at the base of the Mediterranean Diet.”


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