Europe / page 110

Feb. 12, 2020

Production in Spain Lower than Anticipated

The latest harvest data suggests Spain will produce less than one million tons of olive oil, a significant decrease from last autumn's estimates.

Feb. 12, 2020

Spain's Olive Oil Sector Calls for More Protests

Five of the country's main agricultural organizations plan to occupy town squares across the province of Jaén, demanding higher prices for olive oil and more support for traditional groves.

Feb. 12, 2020

Italian Producers Shortchanged in EU Funding

Italian farmers say recent rounds of funding were directed mainly to their competitors in Spain, Greece and Portugal.

Jan. 31, 2020

'Oleotourism' Becomes Law in Italy

With the adoption of the 2020 budget in Italy, oleotourism is enshrined into law.

Jan. 31, 2020

Italy Approves €300M Fund to Fight Xylella

Better late than never, the Italian government will fund a €300 million-plan to fight Xylella fastidiosa through eradication, replanting, research and restoration.

Jan. 31, 2020

Olive Oil Producers and Farmers Across Spain Demand 'Measures of Support'

Farmers across Spain, organized by the main cooperatives and associations, are protesting for better prices and government measures to help ease the burden of increasing production costs.

Jan. 30, 2020

Spain Wins First Battle Against U.S. Tariffs on Table Olives

An American court's decision can open the way to alleviate tariffs on imported Spanish table olives to the U.S.

Jan. 29, 2020

Olive Oil Waste Fuels Spanish Power Plant and Palestinian Startup

A new plant will work to counteract the negative impacts of olive by-products in the region while developing a reliable substitute for fossil fuel.

Jan. 27, 2020

EU Aid Not Helping Croatians, Official Says

The third tendering period for European Union producers seeking private storage aid for olive oil has just opened. However, one Croatian olive oil official argues that the aid does not help producers in small countries.

Jan. 26, 2020

TAP 'Confidant' as Trial Looms, Prepares to Replant Uprooted Trees

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline said the company is confident ahead of the upcoming trial. Replanting of the olive trees at issue in the trial is scheduled to begin in February.


Jan. 26, 2020

Trump Wants a New Trade Deal with Europe

The president said he wants a new agreement with Europe in place before the November election.

Jan. 21, 2020

'Extraordinary Plan' to Revitalize Olive Trees in Puglia

The Italian Confederation of Agriculture has announced a funding plan to address the ongoing Xylella fastidiosa crisis in Puglia.

Jan. 16, 2020

Trans Adriatic Pipeline on Trial for Uprooting Olive Trees in Puglia

TAP executives have been summoned to appear in court on May 8 and will face charges of committing environmental damage including the unlawful removal of olive trees.

Jan. 16, 2020

Alentejo Olive Oil Association Appoints First Executive Director

Gonçalo Almeida Simões brings 15 years of experience advocating for Portuguese agriculture to the European Union.

Jan. 15, 2020

Hephaestion Was a Friend of Alexander's, but Not Cretan Producers'

Adverse weather conditions in Crete caused further damage to olive oil growers and producers.

Jan. 14, 2020

Pizza Giant Domino's Wants a Slice of Italian Market

The CEO of Domino's Italy believes there is still room in the traditional home of pizza for a delivery option. Traditional pizzaioli remain skeptical that the restaurant chain can increase its foothold in the market.

Jan. 10, 2020

New Year, Same Problems for Greek Olive Oil Producers

Olive oil production varied from area to area, but uniformity of low prices was a constant across all of Greece.

Jan. 2, 2020

E.U. Approves PGI for Apulia

"Olio di Puglia" PGI is entered in the register of protected geographical indications
