Europe / page 152

Jul. 12, 2017

New Clashes in Puglia As 42 Olive Trees Are Moved for Pipeline

Contractors are preparing to uproot another 1,800 olive trees along a five-mile route of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline. Up to 10,000 olive trees could be moved to enable construction of the entire $4.5-billion project.

Jul. 12, 2017

Olive Council Optimistic Following U.S. Meetings

Representatives from the International Olive Council met with U.S. producers, businesses and administration officials about industry standards and a promotional campaign.

Jul. 10, 2017

Wildfire Destroys Grove in Turkey

In an ironic twist of fate, Turkey's olive trees had just been saved from proposed changes to the country's “olive law” when they went up in flames.

Jun. 29, 2017

Nature Reserve Forced to Start Over After Olive Grove Destroyed by Vandals

Ray Vella was making his rounds through the nature reserve where he worked when he made a tragic discovery about the woodland's olive grove. Some time over the weekend vandals had destroyed the trees.

Jun. 29, 2017

6th 'Extrascape' Recognizes Outstanding Olive Oil Landscapes

The 6th edition of the competition for the best extra virgin olive oil landscapes, Extrascape 2017, concluded a two-day event that included several speeches by experts in the field.

Jun. 22, 2017

French Olive Sector Calls 2016 Harvest 'Catastrophic'

At its general assembly, the president of the French olive grower's association called on members to implement changes or watch the country's olive sector die a slow death.

Jun. 21, 2017

Museum of Istrian Olive Oil Opens in Pula, Croatia

A museum dedicated to the history and development of olive oil in the Croatian region of Istria opened recently in the city of Pula.

Jun. 15, 2017

Turkey Removes Controversial Article in 'Olive Law'

While the decision was welcomed, olive oil industry leaders fear the issue will crop up again.

Jun. 13, 2017

Economic Downturn Spurs Return to Family Farms

In the face of economic hardships, many young Greeks return to work the family olive groves that have been kept in their families for generations.

Jun. 13, 2017

Italian Food Producers Disagree Over 'Made in Italy' Plan

The initiative, which aimed to distinguish genuine Italian products from fake goods and snatch back billions of Euros in lost sales from goods masquerading as Italian products, has caused bitter division among food producers.


Jun. 9, 2017

Turkey's Prime Minister Fuels 'Olive Law' Debate

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim appeared to support the proposed changes to the law that protects small groves in comments he made at a meeting on June 3rd.

Jun. 7, 2017

Olive Council Convenes in Rome for 105th Session

Representatives at the IOC meet to discuss promotions, trade agreements, and most importantly, minimizing environmental impact on future crops.

Jun. 6, 2017

Radio's 'PRI' Follows Greek Producer's Road to NYIOOC Win

NYIOOC award winner Myrta Kalampoka was profiled for 'The World' a Public Radio International program in a segment that first aired yesterday.

Jun. 6, 2017

Turkish Government Backtracks Proposed Changes to 'Olive Law'

The draft proposal which the government claimed was to support the development of industry and production was highly criticized by the olive oil industry and opposition parties and as it threatened the country’s olive oil production.

Jun. 5, 2017

Plugging Into an Olive Tree's Good Vibrations

A German company offers a high-tech system to connect people to the 'natural energy and therapeutic benefits' of olive trees in remote Spanish groves.

Jun. 5, 2017

Study Predicts the Spread of Xylella Pathogen in Olive Trees

A team of ecologists at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) in the UK have released a study in which they constructed a scientific model which may be able to predict how Xylella fastidiosa will spread.

May. 30, 2017

Company Develops Microbeads From Olive Pomace

A British company's technology has attracted interest from farmers and producers looking for more value from fruit and vegetable waste.

May. 30, 2017

Turkey's Olive Trees Threatened by Draft Law

If the new law gets the green light, any olive grove housing less than 15 trees per decare (2.5 acres) will not be classed as an olive grove and be put at risk for redevelopment.
