Europe / page 168

Jun. 28, 2016

Milan to Host First World Conference on Mediterranean Diet

The aim of the two-day international conference is to “revitalize the Med Diet, from a healthy dietary pattern to a healthy Mediterranean sustainable lifestyle.”

Jun. 23, 2016

Italian Antitrust Authority Fines Lidl, Deoleo and Coricelli for Misleading Consumers

The Italian Antitrust Authority imposed fines on the global discount supermarket chain Lidl and the world's largest olive oil producer for mislabeling olive oil.

Jun. 22, 2016

Some View EU Olive Oil Decree as 'Last Straw' in Brexit Vote

When British citizens cast their historic vote tomorrow to stay in Europe or leave the Union, many will be thinking about overreaching mandates like the ban on cruets in restaurants.

Jun. 1, 2016

Some of the Best Olive Oils are Made in Croatia

This Mediterranean country bordering the Adriatic Sea has been growing olives for centuries but has only recently been gaining recognition as a small but significant producer of high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

May. 30, 2016

Spain's Civil Guard Seizes 120 Tons of Fake Olive Oil

Farmers alerted police that some companies may have been manipulating olive oil with biodiesel, with the intention to distribute it on the market as olive oil.

May. 26, 2016

'Domina' Contest Debuts in Palermo

A new contest dedicated to extra virgin olive oils was held in Palermo with 300 entrees.

May. 20, 2016

Europe Moves Forward with Rules to Prevent Influx of Plant Pests

Measures moved forward to prevent plant pests inadvertently entering EU territory and ensure that rapid response mechanisms are in place to quickly eradicate infected plants.

May. 18, 2016

In Montoro, a Focus on Finance, Quality and Tourism

The picturesque town of Montoro celebrated the 18th Olive Fair.

May. 16, 2016

Italy Strengthens Sanctions for Olive Oil Fraud

The Italian government approved modifications to a draft legislative decree which would have decriminalized penalties for counterfeiting. The new measure provides for new administrative sanctions and introduces a system of traceability.

May. 9, 2016

Italy Crowns Pruning Champ

Olive tree pruning is an ancient craft, and skilled pruners can have a major effect on a farm's quality and yield. In Italy, the importance of proper pruning is highlighted at an annual competition.


May. 5, 2016

Trade Deal Would Remove Tariff Imbalance for U.S. Olive Oil Producers

As American olive oil producers continue efforts to expand the market for their products, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership would provide significant relief to exporters.

May. 5, 2016

Istrian EVOO Awaits PDO Status at EU Level

After receiving national Protected Designation of Origin status in 2015, extra virgin olive oil from the peninsular region of Istria in Croatia awaits the same recognition at the EU level.

May. 4, 2016

Study Finds Treatments Reduce Symptoms But Do Not Eliminate Xf in Olive Trees

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that treatments used on olive trees in Apulia (Puglia) affected by the bacteria have resulted in a reduction in symptoms, but are not successful in eliminating the disease.

May. 4, 2016

Olive Center's Sensory Course Set for June

Held at the Robert Mondavi Silverado Sensory Theater, the course is open to professionals and others interested in a more thorough understanding of how to evaluate olive oil.

May. 2, 2016

Concerns About Dimethoate Ban Among French Olive Growers

Following a ban on the use of the insecticide dimethoate in France, French olive growers are concerned about the risk of damage to olive trees by the olive fruit fly, and increasing production costs.

May. 2, 2016

Producers of the Best Greek Olive Oils React to Their NYIOOC Awards

Award-winning Greek producers discuss their reactions to the New York International Olive Oil Competition results and their efforts to produce the best olive oils in the world.

Apr. 27, 2016

EU Approves PGI for Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The European Commission approved the Protected Geographical Indication 'PGI Sicilia’ for extra virgin olive oil produced on the island.

Apr. 21, 2016

Italian Producers of the World's Best Olive Oils Express Elation

NYIOOC award-winning olive oil producers reacted with elation to the news that their products were among the best in the world, just a year after one of the worst years on record.
