Europe / page 174

Feb. 24, 2016

New Director Looks to Shore Up Olive Council

A little more than a month after taking his office, the IOC executive director, Abdellatif Ghedira, shared his thoughts about key issues in the olive oil sector.

Feb. 18, 2016

Italian Farmers Propose Anti-Fraud Seal for EVOO

A new anti-fraud “super” label has been launched by the Italian Farmers Confederation to certify the origin of Italian olive oil.

Feb. 12, 2016

World Olive Oil Exhibition Coming to Madrid

The annual meeting highlights the quality, variety and health properties of olive oil and promotes large-volume trade while opening new markets by bringing together producers and buyers.

Jan. 25, 2016

In Italy, Reactions to the '60 Minutes' Report on Olive Oil from Anger to Resolve

A report ded­i­cated to mafia involve­ment in Italian agri­cul­ture, and espe­cially the olive oil sec­tor, by CBS News mag­a­zine ​‘60 Minutes’ on January 3, nat­u­rally raised var­i­ous reac­tions. Taking a cue from recent scan­dals involv­ing adul­ter­ated olive oil, CBS News cor­re­spon­dent Bill Whitaker sus­pected the threat of mafia entan­gle­ment through­out the whole ​“Made in Italy” indus­try,

Jan. 19, 2016

Jaén's Olive Oil Production Falling Short of Forecast

With Andalusia 40 percent behind estimated production, ASAJA-Jaén expresses doubt about hitting the government’s forecast

Jan. 19, 2016

Spain’s Olive Pomace Oil Industry Gets a Voice

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nutrition and Environment recognized a new group to promote olive pomace oil.

Jan. 14, 2016

Olive Council Looks Back at 57 Years Since Founding

In its latest newsletter, the International Olive Council looked back at its founding and pointed to changes in the charter defining its future.

Jan. 11, 2016

Tunisia’s Output Drops from Last Year's Record

Tunisia is reporting a sharp decline in olive oil production as early indications for 2015/16 reveal a 60 percent drop from last year's record harvest.

Jan. 3, 2016

Mueller Connects Unseemly Events in Italian Olive Oil Sector

Investigative author Tom Mueller finds a common thread running through the stories of greed, corruption and crisis in Italian agriculture.

Jan. 1, 2016

'60 Minutes' Looks at Olive Oil Adulteration in Italy

This Sunday, the most successful program in U.S. television history will delve into the adulteration of extra virgin olive oil in Italy and mafia involvement in the agricultural sector.


Dec. 22, 2015

Silvio Muccino Ad Promotes Italian Foods in U.S.

A commercial directed by Muccino is part of the largest campaign ever to promote Italian-made foods in the world's largest market.

Dec. 22, 2015

More Obstacles for New PDOs and PGIs in Italy

Despite the difficulties, Italian growers and producers still consider protected origin designations a good way to protect and safeguard their products.

Dec. 22, 2015

Problems, Prospects for Greek Olive Oil

Sevitel president Grigoris Antoniadis expects a good year for Greek olive oil, with production and price levels returning to normal. He discusses anticipated changes in taxation that could affect the industry.

Dec. 18, 2015

Prosecutor in Lecce Seizes Olive Trees, Investigates Scientists for 'Misrepresentation'

Ten people are under investigation for the spreading of a plant disease, willful violation of the provisions on the environment and the "destruction or disfigurement of natural beauty."

Dec. 18, 2015

Spain’s Olive Oil Market Expected to Stabilize

Given low reserves from last season, Spain is set to meet demand with this year’s higher production.

Dec. 17, 2015

Decree to 'Decrimanalize' Counterfeit Olive Oil Leads to Protests in Italy

Italian growers are protesting a measure which they say threatens to undermine the struggle against products masquerading as Italian made.

Dec. 17, 2015

Europe Approves Draft of New Rules to Prevent Spread of Plant Diseases

New reg­u­la­tions to curb the influx of killer plant pests such as the fatal olive tree dis­ease Xylella fas­tidiosa, have been pre­lim­i­nar­ily approved by mem­bers of the European Parliament. MEPs infor­mally agreed to the pack­age of new mea­sures dur­ing high-level talks in Luxembourg yes­ter­day, December 16. The interim deal intro­duces pre­ven­tive mea­sures for impor­tant plants,

Dec. 16, 2015

Researcher Calls for Greater Vigilance to Stop Killer Disease Ravaging Groves in Puglia

Disease expert Giovanni Martelli said he would need a ‘crystal ball’ to know what will happen with the Xylella fastidiosa outbreak across Europe.
