Europe / page 176

Dec. 22, 2015

More Obstacles for New PDOs and PGIs in Italy

Despite the difficulties, Italian growers and producers still consider protected origin designations a good way to protect and safeguard their products.

Dec. 22, 2015

Problems, Prospects for Greek Olive Oil

Sevitel president Grigoris Antoniadis expects a good year for Greek olive oil, with production and price levels returning to normal. He discusses anticipated changes in taxation that could affect the industry.

Dec. 18, 2015

Prosecutor in Lecce Seizes Olive Trees, Investigates Scientists for 'Misrepresentation'

Ten people are under investigation for the spreading of a plant disease, willful violation of the provisions on the environment and the "destruction or disfigurement of natural beauty."

Dec. 14, 2015

Spain’s Express Harvest

A lack of rain and warm weather lead to a short harvest and potentially lower olive oil production levels.

Dec. 11, 2015

Italy 'Not Respecting Obligations' to Eradicate Xylella, EU Says

The eradication of diseased trees have not been sufficient to reassure the EU that Italy is doing all it should to contain the outbreak.

Dec. 11, 2015

String of Thefts Rattle Olive Farms in Spain

Farmers are carrying out night-time patrols in some areas and calling for support from the local authorities after a rash of brazen robberies.

Dec. 10, 2015

Consumer Group Prepares for Class Action in Wake of EVOO Fraud Scandal

The consumer group Codacons is offering free registration to those who say they've been affected by the latest scandal involving the sale of substandard olive oil.

Dec. 8, 2015

Global Olive Oil Consumption Slips 7 Percent

World consumption for the 2014/15 crop year was assessed at 2.85 million tons, while in Europe consumption fell by 11 percent to 1.5 million tons, accounting for most of the downturn.

Dec. 7, 2015

Harvest Will Not Recoup Low Stocks in Spain

A report by the USDA Global Agricultural Information Network estimates that production in Spain this season will not make up for the depleted stores.

Dec. 3, 2015

Police Uncover 7,000-Ton Olive Oil Fraud in Italy

The oil was sold on the Italian and international markets, in US and Japan, with the statement '100 percent Italian' on the label for an illicit turnover estimated to be in the "tens of millions of euros," according to the State Forestry Corps.


Dec. 2, 2015

European Commission Issues New Guidelines on 'Joint Selling' of Olive Oil and Other Foods

The new guidelines set out three "efficiency-based" derogations to EU antitrust rules that allow producers to jointly sell and set prices, volumes and other terms under certain conditions.

Dec. 2, 2015

Taiwan and U.K. Delegations Tour Italian Olive Oil Centers

Buyers and journalists are in Italy with the hope of expanding trade in olive oils from Tuscany, Campania and Lombardy.

Dec. 2, 2015

Israel Continues Pressure on EU Over Labeling Rule

Netanyahu has ordered “a reassessment of the involvement of EU bodies in everything that is connected to the diplomatic process with the Palestinians.”

Nov. 30, 2015

Low Olive Oil Reserves Cast Shadow on Spain’s Increased Production

With an estimated 400,000-ton production increase over last year, limited reserves mean inventory will only increase by an estimated 80,000 tons.

Nov. 30, 2015

Politicized Debate in Greece Over Proposed EU Increase in Tunisian Quotas

Greek unionists and politicians have belatedly begun to debate the European Commission (EC) proposal to increase duty-free imports of Tunisian olive oil into the EU.

Nov. 27, 2015

Nikos Michelakis on Olive Oil Pricing, the Tunisian Quota, Education and Advocacy

Nikos Michelakis, a sci­en­tific advi­sor of SEDIK, the Association of Cretan Olive Municipalities, and a for­mer direc­tor of the Olive Institute of Chania, recently dis­cussed the sta­tus of the olive oil sec­tor in Greece with Olive Oil Times. Michelakis said the amount of olive oil to be pro­duced this sea­son at the inter­na­tional, national and local lev­els,

Nov. 27, 2015

New EU Funds for Research on Xylella Fastidiosa

Europe has set aside €7 million for research on the prevention, detection, and control of Xylella fastidiosa.

Nov. 27, 2015

Another Case of Xf in France

The new infections have been identified as belonging to a sub-species called multiplex, which is not harmful to olive trees or grape vines.
