Europe / page 190

Nov. 24, 2014

'L'Ulivone,' Sabina's Tree of the Ages

In a small town near Rome lives an awe-inspiring two-thousand-year-old olive tree.

Nov. 17, 2014

European Partnership to Certify Olive Oil Traceability

Growers from Italy and Greece are working on a program that certifies the EVOO supply chain.

Nov. 13, 2014

Turkey Opposes Extending Barjol's Contract

In a letter to the European Commission, the head of Turkey's delegation to the IOC accused the executive director of "usurping the powers of the Council."

Oct. 30, 2014

Spanish Scientists Awarded for Research on Olive Cultivation

Mercedes Campos and Mario Porcel were awarded the €5,000 prize at the second Scientific Research in Olives and Olive Oil Awards.

Oct. 27, 2014

Routine Meeting on Crete Turns Out to be No 'Big Deal'

A routine meeting on Crete last week has set off a flurry of reports of a major agreement that the meeting participants say never happened.

Oct. 27, 2014

Costco Reportedly Inks Deal with Greek Producer

Costco representatives and U.S. distributor Tassos Chronopoulos made a deal with Cretan olive oil producer Botzakis, S.A.

Oct. 27, 2014

Italy Adopts EU Provisions on Non-Refillable Bottles

The new legislation, Quality and Transparency of the Supply Chain of Olive Oils, formally adopts new rules for olive oil labeling and packaging.

Oct. 22, 2014

Italian Growers Sidelined While Dante Project Gets Public Funding

A public investment by the Italian Institute for Agro-industrial Development has been criticized by growers who were left out of the deal.

Oct. 21, 2014

Dcoop Acquires Cargill’s Share of Mercaoleo

The Spanish cooperative purchased Cargill's half of a joint venture that began in 2007, taking control of Mercaoleo's huge bottling plant.

Oct. 20, 2014

Ruinous Floods in Liguria Add to Poor Outlook for Italian Production

Damaging floods in Liguria are adding to a rough year for Italian olive oil farmers, resulting in a drop in production and rising prices.


Oct. 16, 2014

Farmers Denounce Yet Another Sale of 'Made In Italy'

At a time when disappointments seem to pile on top one another, some here ponder the repercussions of another foreign ownership of a marquis Italian brand.

Oct. 13, 2014

Groups Work to Improve Viability of Table Olives in Andalusia

Agricultural organizations and Spain's Ministry of Agriculture are working to create a working plan to improve the struggling sector.

Oct. 6, 2014

Deoleo and FINUT Agree to Further Olive Oil Research

The world leader in bottled olive oil has reached an agreement with the Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT) to support innovation.

Oct. 6, 2014

Italian Farmers' Organization Backs Olive Oil Quality Register

Coldiretti Molise has backed new legislation aimed at preventing olive oil adulteration and fraud.

Oct. 2, 2014

Italy Nears Cruet Ban of its Own

Following a similar move in Spain, Italy is on its way to banning oil cruets in restaurants.

Oct. 1, 2014

Olive Council Warns of 'Standstill' if Prices Get Too High

Jean-Louis Barjol answered questions at the University of Jaén concerning a potential slowdown in olive oil consumption.

Oct. 1, 2014

Experts Gathering in Italy to Tackle New Olive Tree Killer

Experts from around the world will meet in Gallipoli, the epicenter of the outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa that threatens thousands of olive trees.

Sep. 29, 2014

Kangadis Case Moves Forward Despite Bankruptcy

A suit against the seller of Capatriti olive oil is moving forward, despite the bankruptcy of the company marketing it.
