Europe / page 210

Jan. 25, 2013

Details Emerge of Europe's Crackdown on Olive Oil Fraud

Proposed anti-fraud measures in the European Union would require member states to do more targeted checks of olive oil.

Jan. 24, 2013

Objections Raised to Kalamata PDO Amendment

The ‘Kalamata’ PDO amendment will not be a smooth process -- objections have been raised and more time will be needed to sort things out.

Jan. 22, 2013

Olive Oil Healthier and Tastier for Frying

New studies in Jaén, Spain suggest extra virgin olive oil is healthier, tastier and often cheaper than other oils when frying food.

Dec. 27, 2012

EU Olive Farmers' Wishlist for Change

Olive oil producers are firming up their positions on the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and an action plan for the olive oil sector.

Dec. 26, 2012

Producer Prices Climb Again in Spain

Olive oil prices in Spain finally fell in line with expectations and rose again last week, but there was not much oil being sold.

Dec. 17, 2012

New EU Law on Agricultural Product Origins

The precise providence of olive oil can be guaranteed through advanced scientific methods, and is now the basis of an important marketing tool.

Dec. 15, 2012

Spain Denies it Produces Too Much Olive Oil

Spain disagreed with European Commission forecasts that it would end 2020 with an unsold stock of 881,000 tons of olive oil.

Dec. 11, 2012

Spanish Olive Oil Sector Outraged by Dropped 'Operation Lucerna' Case

Spain’s olive oil sector is dismayed by news that criminal charges won’t proceed against 14 alleged to have planned a fraud scheme.

Dec. 9, 2012

Spain Gives General Backing to EU Olive Oil Action Plan

World olive oil capital Spain gave broad support for a range of changes that could form part of an EU action plan for the struggling sector.

Dec. 6, 2012

Council Predicts Dip in Olive Oil Consumption

The International Olive Council predicts a 5 percent drop in olive oil consumption, and a nearly 20 percent drop in production, for 2012/13.


Dec. 3, 2012

Imports Exceed Output in First Month of Spanish Olive Oil Harvest

Faced with a 200,000-ton deficit in meeting its demand, olive oil prices in Spain are expected to rise, but are paradoxically falling.

Dec. 1, 2012

Production Up, Consumption Down in Greece

Nevermind an increase in local olive oil production, Greek consumers are being forced to find cheaper alternatives.

Nov. 30, 2012

Industry Notables Set to Testify at USITC Hearing

Witnesses from three continents are scheduled to testify at a public hearing at the U.S. International Trade Commission Wednesday.

Nov. 28, 2012

European Commission Calls Proposed Olive Oil Marketing Order 'Unfair'

The E.U. Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said a proposed U.S. marketing order for olive oil would cause unfair delays and costs.

Nov. 25, 2012

Production Shortfall Expected to Send Olive Oil Prices Higher in Spain

Olive oil prices are expected to rise as Spain’s olive oil output this season is expected to fall 200,000 tons short of its demand.

Nov. 20, 2012

European Producers Group Backs More Testing, Labeling Changes

At a meeting last week of European farmers, there was some support for measures in the proposed European "olive oil action plan."

Nov. 14, 2012

Spain Announces 6-Month Program to Monitor Olive Oil Quality

A special campaign of random checks will target Spain’s olive oil sector testing olive oil quality and traceability.

Nov. 5, 2012

Greece Backs Olive Oil Exports with €10M

After some encouraging results with other agricultural products, Greece will support exports of olive oil to promising markets.
