Europe / page 222

Nov. 3, 2011

'No Financial Difficulties' For Spanish Olive Oil Giant Hojiblanca, CEO Says

Hojiblanca plans to double its turnover to €1 billion in five years. Antonio Luque, former farmer and now Hojiblanca’s managing director, vowed to “keep on growing.”

Nov. 2, 2011

Gruppo Pieralisi Powers World's Largest Olive Oil Mill in Jaén

The mill is owned by the 1,673 members of the FAECA Cooperative and, with the 12 lines working around the clock, can process 2,500 tons of olive oil every day.

Oct. 26, 2011

Industry Group Reports Sharp Rise in Spanish Olive Oil Exports

Spain has doubled its olive oil exports in the last decade and now sends 60 percent of its production abroad, according to figures released by the trade association Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español.

Sep. 29, 2011

European Commission OKs Payments for Six Months of Olive Oil Storage

The European Commission announced today that it will provide private storage aid enabling up to 100,000 tons of Spanish virgin olive oil to be stored for six months.

Sep. 28, 2011

Olive Council Deputy Director Urges Producers to Improve Quality

Olive oil producers need to adapt production to reflect the reality of worldwide demand – or face further losses, warns International Olive Council's deputy director Ammir Assabah.

Sep. 27, 2011

Olivar de Segura the Top 'Ecological' Olive Oil Producer in Spain

The co-op sold one million kilos of olive oil in 2010 making it the top-selling certified ecological producer, according to Andalusia's organic farming trade group.

Sep. 19, 2011

Virgin Olive Oil Prices Hit Trigger Level for European Aid

The average price for virgin olive oil is now so low in Spain that the European Commission has no choice but to subsidize storage until the market improves, the Spanish government and olive oil producers said today.

Sep. 18, 2011

Spanish Prosecutors Seek Nine Years in Jail for Three Accused of Olive Oil Fraud

Spanish prosecutors are seeking nine years jail and fines of 8,760 euros ($12,000) each for three Andalusian businessmen accused of olive oil fraud and deceptive advertising.

Sep. 6, 2011

Sales of Packaged Organic Olive Oil from Andalusia Sharply Higher

Sales of packaged organic olive oil from Andalusia grew nearly 30 percent in 2010, almost equaling that of the region's bulk olive oil sales.

Aug. 27, 2011

ExpoHuelma Under Way in Jaén, Spotlight on Olive Oil

The Jaén provincial government will have its own stand at the fair, which aims to promote the tourism, handicraft, livestock and agri-food industries.


Aug. 17, 2011

Tough Time for Spain’s Olive Oil Stock Market

Between July 12 and August 12, sales transactions between producers and traders fell to 24,484 tons, representing a 53 percent drop from the previous month.

Aug. 11, 2011

Andalusian Olive Oil Producers Facing Fourth Straight Year of Losses

Andalusia's olive oil producers are facing their fourth consecutive year in the red having already accumulated a loss of 600 million euros ($851 million) this season.

Jul. 5, 2011

Are Designations of Origin Working for Italian Olive Oil?

Are the designations of origins helping Italian olive oil producers? The Italian Olive Oil Council tried to provide answers through a report about the Italian olive oil PDO chain.

Jun. 23, 2011

Andalusia Pledges €40M for Producers, Rules Out More Origin Designations

The Andalusian regional government has allocated 40 million euros ($56.6m) to provide short-term loans so its olive oil producers can avoid selling at a loss.

Jun. 22, 2011

Olive Oil Tour Stops at Britain’s “Taste of London”

Spain's Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español is in the U.K. for the huge Taste of London festival to promote European olive oil to Brits who are increasingly fond of EVOO.

Jun. 20, 2011

Italian Olive Oil Association Meets Over Fresh Market Data

The Association of the Italian Oil Industry, representing packagers of olive oil and seed oils, held a conference to review 2010 olive oil market volume and give indications about the early months of this year.

May. 27, 2011

Commissioner's Answer Still "No" to Aid for Private Olive Oil Storage

Despite receiving a petition with 50,000 supporting signatures from Spain alone, the European Commission today stood firm on its rejection of calls for the introduction of private storage aid for olive oil.

May. 25, 2011

Six Firms Vie to Promote Olive Oil in North America

Bids from five North American and one European firm were officially opened this morning at IOC headquarters in Madrid by the International Olive Council.
