Europe / page 90

Nov. 29, 2020

New Insights Into the World’s Oldest Bottle of Olive Oil

After a series of studies, researchers were able to confirm the content of a bottle found at an archaeological site near Mount Vesuvius was indeed olive oil. The discovery sheds light on the oil's molecular evolution over time.

Nov. 29, 2020

Nutri-Score Will Damage Olive Oil Trade, Italian Producers Argue

Trade groups fear the widespread implementation of the Nutri-Score nutrition label will dilute the messages about extra virgin olive oil’s health benefits and hurt Italian producers.

Nov. 23, 2020

Germany Formally Adopts Nutri-Score Labels as Debate Continues

Germany’s decision to introduce Nutri-Score as its official front-of-pack label has been met with criticism.

Nov. 11, 2020

Olive Oil Consumption in Spain Increased During State of Emergency

Olive oil consumption was 20 percent higher during the four-month-long state of alarm than it was before or after the emergency declaration, a government report found.

Nov. 10, 2020

Europe Allows Cooperatives in Spain to Regulate Supply

After years of lobbying Brussels, Spanish cooperatives will now be able to voluntarily withdraw surplus olive oil from the market.

Nov. 9, 2020

Italy’s New Lockdown Hits Olive Oil Sector, Again

New Covid containment measures threaten the rise in domestic olive oil consumption that has buoyed the sector.

Nov. 9, 2020

Volunteers Lend a Hand in Italy's Olive Harvest to Help Those in Need

Across Italy, students and volunteers are flocking to the olive groves to help with the harvest. The olive oil they help produce is destined for those in need from Sicily to Lombardy.

Nov. 5, 2020

Bumper Harvest in Spain Comes With Drought, Coronavirus Concerns

Spain is expected to produce 1.6 million tons of olive oil this season. Slowing sales in the hospitality sector and a dry summer and spring have some producers concerned.

Oct. 30, 2020

Italy Formally Adopts Nutrinform Labeling System

Italy's Ministry of Agriculture approved the Nutrinform Battery food labeling system that it sees as a better alternative to the Nutriscore scheme adopted elsewhere in the E.U.

Oct. 27, 2020

Olive Oil Consumption Set to Outpace Production For a Change

Consumption is projected to reach 3.14 million tons while production slips in the 2020 campaign, finally reversing the downward price trends.


Oct. 27, 2020

Prices Open Higher in Greece Amid Shortage of Laborers

Early seasonal prices have reached €3.80 per kilo while the lack of foreign workers has prevented some harvesting activities in Greece.

Oct. 27, 2020

Italian Farmers Want Something Done About Wild Boars

With the number of wild boars in Italy doubling in the last ten years to two million, farmers' groups are calling again for a comprehensive plan to deal with an old and growing problem.

Oct. 16, 2020

Latest Xylella Outbreak in Puglia Continues to Spread

Authorities have identified 136 newly-infected trees in Puglia. Among the new discoveries are two millenary olive trees in what was considered to be a buffer zone.

Oct. 15, 2020

Bans on Night Harvesting Have Alleviated Threat to Migratory Birds

The head of conservation for BirdLife Europe applauded prohibitions on nighttime intensive olive harvesting in Spain and Portugal.

Oct. 15, 2020

As EVOO Consumption Remains Strong in Italy, Producers Hope Prices Follow

A survey showed that 80 percent of Italians habitually buy extra virgin olive oil. Strong domestic consumption paired with poor harvests in Europe could lead to a rebound in prices.

Oct. 15, 2020

WTO Approves $4B in Tariffs on U.S. Goods Imported to Europe

The widely-expected move could pave the way to a de-escalation of trade tensions between the E.U. and U.S.

Oct. 13, 2020

Rising Adversity in Olive Oil Sector Gives Rise to New ‘Olive Council’ in Córdoba

The Consejo del Olivar de Córdoba seeks to improve quality, promote local production and preserve the province’s rich oil culture.

Oct. 12, 2020

Italian Researchers Say Nutri-Score Treats Shoppers 'Like Children'

Experts opposed to the adoption of the Nutri-Score labeling system in Europe say it's an oversimplified solution to a complicated issue.
