`PGI Olio Lucano for Olive Oil From Basilicata Underway - Olive Oil Times
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PGI Olio Lucano for Olive Oil From Basilicata Underway

By Ylenia Granitto
Aug. 9, 2019 10:17 UTC

After an appli­ca­tion made by the Italian Agriculture Minister, the pro­tected geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tion (PGI) Olio Lucano” should be approved by the European Commission in the com­ing months.

Its pro­duc­tion area cor­re­sponds with the admin­is­tra­tive ter­ri­tory of the Basilicata, also known as Lucania, a region in Southern Italy which has been des­ig­nated a European Capital of Culture, renowned for the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Sassi di Matera.

According to the ancient olive tra­di­tion of our land, the groves embraced the vil­lages set high in the hills,” the direc­tor of the sen­sory analy­sis lab­o­ra­tory of the Basilicata Region in Metaponto, Giovanni Lacertosa explained. While some old mills are cur­rently been con­verted to muse­ums and cul­tural venues, tech­no­log­i­cal advances and research in the sec­tor allowed the oper­a­tors to reach the high­est stan­dards,” he said. The upcom­ing PGI will pro­mote the qual­ity and the ter­ri­tory of our extra vir­gin olive oil.”

Autochthonous vari­eties, includ­ing Ogliarola del Vulture, Ogliarola del Bradano, Maiatica, Cima di Melfi, Sammartinenga, and Faresana, just to name a few, and a max­i­mum of 20 per­cent of other vari­eties must be used to pro­duce the PGI Olio Lucano, whose logo depicts a styl­ized amphora with four oblique curved lines which rep­re­sent the main rivers of the region and recall the twisted trunk of the sec­u­lar olive trees wide­spread in Lucania.


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