`Córdoba Congress to Promote Excellence in Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times
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Córdoba Congress to Promote Excellence in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

By Julie Butler
Dec. 14, 2013 11:45 UTC


Building Bridges” is the theme of the International Congress of Extra Virgin Olive Oil being held next Tuesday and Wednesday in Córdoba, Spain.

One of its main objec­tives is the cre­ation of an inter­na­tional net­work of pro­duc­ers, extra vir­gin olive oil (EVOO) experts, doc­tors, jour­nal­ists and chefs inter­ested in pro­mot­ing excel­lence in the prod­uct, accord­ing to joint orga­niz­ers QvExtra! Internacional and the Spanish Association of Municipalities of the Olive Tree (AEMO).

QvExtra! Internacional pres­i­dent Soledad Serrano López told Olive Oil Times one of the big prob­lems in the sec­tor is a lack of knowl­edge about a prod­uct that is truly unique and unpar­al­leled.”

The para­dox is that the sec­tor is actu­ally becom­ing poorer, a sit­u­a­tion that we have to change by plac­ing EVOO in the posi­tion it deserves. So that’s why the gas­tro­nomic and health fea­tures that make it such a spe­cial prod­uct will be empha­sized at the con­fer­ence.”

About 60 pro­duc­ers, from about eight dif­fer­ent coun­tries, are expected to attend. One of the aims of the QvExtra! Internacional asso­ci­a­tion is to unite all pro­duc­ers world­wide in the quest to pro­mote EVOO. Premium qual­ity oils are made in new pro­ducer coun­tries just as they are in the Mediterranean region and all coun­tries are equally wel­come in this asso­ci­a­tion,” Serrano said.

The con­gress is billed as offer­ing con­sumers sim­ple tools to help them bet­ter appre­ci­ate and enjoy EVOO, while pro­duc­ers will gain tools aimed at excel­lence in pro­duc­tion and be encour­aged to share their expe­ri­ences and exper­tise. Dedication to qual­ity is seen as the best way to increase EVOO con­sump­tion.

The con­gress fea­tures experts from around the world and work­shop top­ics include

- Quality achieve­ment in dif­fer­ent pro­duc­tive areas,
 — Myths and facts about EVOO,
 — Building bridges and gath­er­ing efforts in rela­tion to extra vir­gin olive oil.

A series of lec­tures will cover top­ics includ­ing the sta­bil­ity and preser­va­tion of mono-vari­etal EVOOs, the organolep­tic char­ac­ter­is­tics of EVOOs, Andalusia’s olive oil qual­ity pro­mo­tion strat­egy, olive oil and the Mediterranean diet, the PREDIMED study and pre­ven­tion of car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­eases, the Mediterranean diet and can­cer, the extra vir­gin olive oil sym­phony, and a study of con­sumer habits and con­sumer per­cep­tion.

Conference Program


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