`Deoleo Recalls Bertolli and Carapeilli Olive Oils it Says May Have 'Prematurely Spoiled' - Olive Oil Times
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Deoleo Recalls Bertolli and Carapeilli Olive Oils it Says May Have 'Prematurely Spoiled'

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Nov. 16, 2015 11:47 UTC

Deoleo USA issued a vol­un­tary recall with­draw­ing some of its Bertolli and Carapelli Extra Light Tasting and Bertolli Classico Pure Olive Oil because the prod­ucts may have pre­ma­turely spoiled, accord­ing to notices sent to sev­eral major retail­ers.

Our inves­ti­ga­tion to date reveals that the oil has pre­ma­turely oxi­dized, caus­ing poten­tial off odor and taste, which presents a qual­ity but not a health issue,” the com­pany said. We have iden­ti­fied the source of the prob­lem with one of our refin­ing sup­pli­ers and have taken imme­di­ate cor­rec­tive action.”

Last week, in response to an Italian inves­ti­ga­tion into alle­ga­tions of fraud, the pro­ducer of Bertolli said, said its prod­ucts and processes meet the high­est qual­ity stan­dards” and that the com­pany strictly respects all the laws and reg­u­la­tions relat­ing to food secu­rity in all the coun­tries in which it oper­ates.”

The com­pany noted the recall was ini­ti­ated as a pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sure.” The with­drawn prod­ucts were dis­trib­uted in the United States from January, 2015 through May, 2015.

The recalled prod­ucts are:

- Bertolli Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil 17 fl oz (500ml) (UPC code 41790 00420)

- Bertolli Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil 25.5 fl oz (750ml) (UPC code 41790 22093)

- Bertolli Classico Pure Olive Oil 17 fl oz (500ml) (UPC code 41790 00140)

- Bertolli Classico Pure Olive Oil 25.5 fl oz (750ml) (UPC Code 41790 22106)

- Bertolli Classico Pure Olive Oil 169 fl oz (5 liter) (UPC Code 41790 00195)

- Carapelli Extra Light Olive Oil 17 fl oz (500ml) (UPC Code 19521 23703)

- Carapelli Extra Light Olive Oil 25.5 oz (750ml) (UPC Code 19521 24131)

- I/O Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil 17 oz. (500 ml) (UPC Code 41790 00160)


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