`Planas: Traditional Olive Growers Will Be Protected in New Common Agricultural Policy - Olive Oil Times

Planas: Traditional Olive Growers Will Be Protected in New Common Agricultural Policy

By Daniel Dawson
Jun. 29, 2021 09:51 UTC

Ahead of the pend­ing approval of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) this week, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Food has pledged sup­port for tra­di­tional olive grow­ers.

We will develop a spe­cific pro­gram because it is very impor­tant for the sector’s abil­ity to com­pete,” Luis Planas told the Spanish Senate.

According to Juan Vilar Strategic Consultants, tra­di­tional groves make up about 70 per­cent of all Spanish olive groves.

See Also:Spanish Olive Growers Replacing Century-Old Trees With Young Ones

Since the tra­di­tional olive pro­duc­tion sec­tor employs 350,000 work­ers, includ­ing 15,000 jobs in mills, and pays almost €32 mil­lion in wages annu­ally, it is some­thing worth fight­ing for,” Planas added.

The CAP 2023 – 27 will allow each mem­ber state of the E.U. to pro­pose its own strate­gic plan to imple­ment the new pol­icy. Chief among the goals of the CAP is to pro­mote fam­ily farm­ing oper­a­tions.

The government’s plan to bol­ster tra­di­tional olive pro­duc­tion is also part of a 10-pronged plant that it imple­mented last year. Planas told the sen­ate that this plan had con­tributed to the improved mar­ket­ing, qual­ity and pro­mo­tion of olive oil as a healthy and emblem­atic prod­uct of the Mediterranean diet.

He pointed to gov­ern­ment pro­jec­tions that domes­tic olive oil con­sump­tion is expected to reach 550,000 tons and exports would hit 1.13 mil­lion tons by the end of the 2020/21 crop year, both of which are record highs, as evi­dence that the plan is work­ing.

Planas added that the European Commission’s esti­mate that global olive oil con­sump­tion is antic­i­pated to grow five per­cent by the end of the decade paired with the deci­sion of the United States and E.U. to can­cel the tar­iffs asso­ci­ated with the Airbus-Boeing trade dis­pute as rea­sons for the sec­tor to be opti­mistic.

In con­clu­sion, he pointed out that if it is taken into account that olive oil rep­re­sents only three per­cent of total global veg­etable oil con­sump­tion, the oppor­tu­ni­ties are immense.”


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