S. America / page 17

Oct. 27, 2010

Olisur's Alfonso Swett: Chile will be a 'Major Olive Oil Player'

In only its fifth year Olisur produced 1.8 million liters of olive oil on its Chilean estate, mostly for North Americans. "We must produce for other countries, and they request sustainability."

Oct. 26, 2010

Recipe Contest in Brazil Promotes Spanish Olive Oil

The campaign to promote Spanish olive oil throughout Brazil is seen as a key strategic move to woo the consumer base of a country yet to be dominated by a single olive oil provider.

Oct. 10, 2010

Tamaulipas Province in Mexico Plans First Olive Oil Processing Facility

Most of the olive oil from the new plant will be exported to the United States where the Mexican government has established contacts with distributors eager to trade.

Aug. 18, 2010

Severe Winter Damages San Juan Olive Plantations

The cold weather in San Juan, Argentina over the past weeks is similar to 2007 when nearly 70 percent of the province's olive groves were lost due to the drop in temperature.

Aug. 13, 2010

Argentina Advises Bolivia on Olive Oil Production

"We wanted to create cooperative ties with our sister republic Bolivia because we felt that we had accumulated experience that we could share." Jorge Ortiz

Jul. 28, 2010

Workshops in Chile Seek to Improve Olive Oil Production

The program will seek solutions for current problems facing the Chilean olive oil sector such as low levels of production and poor handling of the pruning process.

Jul. 21, 2010

Investing in the Future of Olive Oil in Argentina

“I have joined the many dreamers from diverse geographical locations who believe in the potential for agribusiness in Argentina and in our ability to achieve it.” Luis Feld

Jul. 14, 2010

Argentina Olive Oil Restrictions Threaten EU-Mercosur Deal

Negotiations seeking a free trade agreement are in danger because of supposed Argentinean restrictions against the entrance of European olive oil imports.

Jul. 5, 2010

Industry Up-And-Comer Argentina to Host Olive Oil Forum

Industry leaders are eager to tap into the budding Argentinean market which is set to become a respected producer of quality olive oil.

Jun. 30, 2010

Argentina Olive Oil Plan Derived From Wine Industry Success

A proposal to adapt the existing business strategies of the booming Argentinean wine industry to the olive oil sector.


Jun. 21, 2010

Syria, Venezuela Sign Olive Oil Trade Agreement

Syria will soon distribute some two thousand tons of olive oil throughout South America via the Venezuelan economic network.

Jun. 16, 2010

Tough Going for Argentine Olive Oil Industry

A weaker euro, poor climatic conditions and a labor shortage have contributed to the growing difficulties in the Argentinean olive oil industry.
