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Spanish Trade Group Launches Campaign to Raise Awareness of Cruet Decree

The Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the rules forbidding the refilling of olive oil bottles in restaurants.

By Eduardo Hernandez
Feb. 15, 2017 09:15 UTC

Since 2014, hotel estab­lish­ments in Spain have been oblig­ated to present their olive oils in branded, non-refill­able bot­tles.

However, 20 per­cent of restau­rants and bars have failed to meet those reg­u­la­tions, which is why the orga­ni­za­tion Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español has launched a cam­paign to raise aware­ness of the impor­tance of fol­low­ing the rules. The assur­ance that a prod­uct cor­re­sponds to the label will only exist by com­ply­ing with such reg­u­la­tions, the group said, which will secure the authen­tic­ity of the oils as well as pub­lic trust.

In order to reach the objec­tive, the Interprofesional is bet­ting on three Spanish celebrity pro­mot­ers: Rossy de Palma, Diego Guerrero and Mikel Iturriaga. Each will appear as the pro­tag­o­nist in video adver­tise­ments for the cam­paign titled Peeerdona’ which is set to address the imper­ti­nent act of dis­miss­ing the labels, and leav­ing a very clear mes­sage to soci­ety: olive oils are a jewel in the Spanish gas­tron­omy we must enjoy and pro­tect. The cam­paign com­mer­cials will deliver the mes­sage while wit­tingly com­bin­ing infor­ma­tion and humor.

The three adver­tise­ments will com­mu­ni­cate directly to the pub­lic through two tele­vi­sion net­works and in movie the­aters through­out Spain. Simultaneously dur­ing the entire year chan­nels will be estab­lished through social media which will allow con­tact with­out inter­me­di­aries between young con­sumers and the celebrity spokes­peo­ple.

The cam­paign is a result of the Interprofesiional’s desire to fix what it sees as a lack of pub­lic aware­ness of the reg­u­la­tions and its appli­ca­tions. For that rea­son, and in recog­ni­tion of the anniver­sary of the Spanish decree 895/2013, the group ordered an opin­ion poll to con­duct a quan­ti­ta­tive study con­cern­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of the mea­sure among con­sumers and pro­fes­sion­als.

From more than the 3,400 inter­views con­ducted dur­ing the sum­mer of 2016, 86 per­cent of con­sumers and 55 per­cent of food indus­try pro­fes­sion­als said they were not famil­iar with the con­tents of the reg­u­la­tion.

However, the poll­sters were able to ver­ify that 80 per­cent of estab­lish­ments nev­er­the­less com­plied with the reg­u­la­tion for bot­tled oils. The sur­vey also found that 79 per­cent of hotel man­agers pre­fer to serve vir­gin olive oil in their estab­lish­ments. The Interprofesional sees the star-filled cam­paign as the right path toward serv­ing the needs of olive oil con­sumers.


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