`Girolio d'Italia 'Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tour' Underway in Italy - Olive Oil Times
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Girolio d'Italia 'Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tour' Underway in Italy

By Luciana Squadrilli
Nov. 9, 2012 10:24 UTC

After Extrascape, the first inter­na­tional con­test for extra vir­gin olive oils and olive-grow­ing land­scapes, and in the wake of the 2011 edi­tion of the Forum Dieta Mediterranea held in La Spezia, Liguria — where the the nom­i­na­tion of the olive-grow­ing land­scape for UNESCO World Heritage list was announced – this year edi­tion of Girolio d’Italia, too, will have olive land­scape as a main theme.

Girolio started from Otranto, an enchant­ing small town deep down in Apulia – Italy’s main olive oil pro­ducer. All the regional stopovers are con­nected thanks to the com­mon value of an olive-grow­ing land­scape, in a sym­bolic changeover.

We chose to con­se­crate the 2012 edi­tion of Girolio d’Italia to the olive-grow­ing land­scape as it is an invalu­able her­itage to be pre­served,” said Enrico Lupi, National Association of Oil Cities chair­man, for the essen­tial con­tri­bu­tion it gives to Italian agri­cul­ture and its thou­sand-year-old cul­ture. The pro­gres­sive aban­don­ment of the olive-grow­ing areas in Italy, and its well-known con­se­quences for the lans­d­scape and the hydro­ge­o­log­i­cal sys­tem plan, high­light the need of a prompt inter­ven­tion to pre­serve, pro­mote and improve it,” both for extra vir­gin oil pro­duc­ers and for the tourism incomes of the Oil Cities.”

After Otranto, Girolio will stop in the fol­low­ing regions and cities dur­ing eleven weeks, cov­er­ing much more than the 1,000 kilo­me­ters that sep­a­rate Apulia from Trentino, where the tour will end on December 22, in the lovely moun­tain vil­lage of Tenno:

Selci Sabina (Lazio)
Falerone (Marche)
Montecchio (Umbria)
Muggia (Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Marone (Lombardia)
Sestri Levante (Liguria)
Brisighella and
Imola (Emilia Romagna)
Oliena (Sardegna)

Cerreto Sannita (Campania)
Arquà Petrarca (Veneto)
Seggiano (Toscana)
Ficarra and
Sant’Angelo di Brolo (Sicily)
Matera (Basilicata)
Vallefiorita (Calabria)
Larino (Molise)
Pescara (Abruzzo)
then the final stop in Tenno

Every loca­tion will host tast­ings of the new extra vir­gin olive oil, olive oil-themed cook­ing classes, work­shops about olive-grow­ing land­scapes and folk­lore per­for­mances. Young peo­ple will be involved through the pre­sen­ta­tion of an olive tree to a local school, a gift from the for­mer stop.

Anyone can fol­low the event thanks to a ded­i­cated app launched by the National Association of Oil Cities to dis­cover Italy’s her­itage of cen­tury-old olive trees, olive oil-related itin­er­aries and olive oil pro­duc­ers and restau­rants through­out the coun­try.


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