`IOC Presents Mario Solinas Quality Awards - Olive Oil Times
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IOC Presents Mario Solinas Quality Awards

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Jun. 13, 2014 15:19 UTC

The International Olive Council (IOC) recently pre­sented the 14th edi­tion of the Mario Solinas Quality Awards for extra vir­gin olive oils.

Named after the late pro­fes­sor Mario Solinas of Italy, the awards rec­og­nize extra vir­gin olive oils with the best organolep­tic char­ac­ter­is­tics in four cat­e­gories: intense, medium and mild green fruiti­ness and ripe fruiti­ness. 138 oils com­peted for this year’s awards rep­re­sent­ing 12 coun­tries: Algeria (1), Chile (2), Germany (1), Greece (6), Iran (2), Israel (1), Italy (2), Portugal (38), Spain (75), Tunisia (6), Turkey (3) and Uruguay (1).

Producers from Spain and Portugal swept the first, sec­ond and third prizes in all four cat­e­gories. First prizes went to Finca La Torre of Spain (intense green fruiti­ness); Casa Agrícola Roboredo Madeira of Portugal (medium green fruiti­ness); Sociedade Agrícola Vale de Ouro of Portugal (mild green fruiti­ness); and Hacienda Queiles of Spain (ripe fruiti­ness).

Spain had fared well in pre­vi­ous com­pe­ti­tions, tak­ing home three first prizes in both 2012 and 2013. In 2013 Spanish pro­duc­ers took home all but one of the nine awards. Italian pro­duc­ers con­tinue to largely stay away from the com­pe­ti­tion.

The Mario Solinas Quality Awards were pre­sented at the 22nd extra­or­di­nary ses­sion of the IOC Council of Members in Madrid. During his open­ing speech, IOC Executive Director Jean-Louis Barjol announced some impor­tant changes regard­ing the com­pe­ti­tion: first, that next year will fea­ture two edi­tions of the Mario Solinas awards in order to facil­i­tate par­tic­i­pa­tion from pro­duc­ers in the Southern Hemisphere; and sec­ond, that the next awards cer­e­mony will be held at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City in July 2015.

Below is the com­plete list of win­ners from the IOC.

First prize

Intense green fruiti­ness: Finca La Torre — Finca la Reja, S.L. — Boadilla (Málaga) — Spain

Medium green fruiti­ness: Casa Agrícola Roboredo Madeira, S.A. — CARM — Almendra — Portugal

Mild green fruiti­ness: Sociedade Agrícola Vale de Ouro, S.A. — Ferreira de Alentejo — Portugal

Ripe fruiti­ness: Hacienda Queiles, S.L. — Monteagudo (Navarra) — Spain

Second prize

Intense green fruiti­ness: Aceites Oro Bailén — Galgón 99, S.L. — Villanueva de la Reina (Jaén) — Spain

Medium green fruiti­ness: Gallo Worldwide — Lisboa — Portugal

Mild green fruiti­ness: Elosua Portugal, S.A. — Azambuja — Portugal

Ripe fruiti­ness: Olivos Naturales, S.L. — Madrid — Spain

Third prize

Intense green fruiti­ness: Explotaciones Melgarejo, C.B. — Pegalajar (Jaén) — Spain

Medium green fruiti­ness: S.C.A. Ntra. Sra. de la Fuensanta de Oleoestepa — Corcoya (Sevilla) — Spain

Mild green ruiti­ness: Cooperativa de Olivicultores de Valpaços, C.R.L. — Valpaços — Portugal


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