`Jaén Selects its Best for 2015 - Olive Oil Times
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Jaén Selects its Best for 2015

By Ricardo Lunar
Jan. 20, 2015 11:50 UTC

The provin­cial coun­cil of Jaén has selected eight olive oils which it says are the year’s best from the region this year — no small des­ig­na­tion when you con­sider that Jaén pro­duces more olive oil than any other place in the world.

The Jaén Selección is a des­ig­na­tion cre­ated by the Diputación Provincial de Jaén to acknowl­edge the best extra vir­gin olive oils each year.

The announce­ment was made at the Provincial Convention Center for Fairs and Congresses where 59 local olive oils from 48 brands par­tic­i­pated dur­ing the two days of the event. Attendance to this 13th edi­tion set a record accord­ing to Ángeles Férriz, rep­re­sen­ta­tive for employ­ment, pro­mo­tion and tourism.

Of the 57 olive oils pre­sented, 52 were of the Picual vari­ety — the widely-acclaimed cul­ti­var used to pro­duce about 25 per­cent of the world’s pro­duc­tion. Other vari­eties par­tic­i­pated as well includ­ing Arbequina, Royal, Carrasqueño and Picudo.

The des­ig­na­tion Jaén Selección 2015” was obtained by eight olive oils, seven of which were pro­duced con­ven­tion­ally and another one organic pro­duc­tion.

Jaen Selección 2015 Winners

Oro Bailén Reserva Familiar, Galgón 99 de Villanueva de la Reina
Cortijo Spiritu Santo, Trujal de La Loma de Úbeda
Cortijo La Torre, Aceites San Antonio de Arjona
Castillo de Canena Picual, Olivejuice de Canena
Melgarejo Picual, Aceites Campoliva de Pagalajar
Oleopeñas, SCA San Isidro de Valdepeñas de Jaén
Oleocampo, SCA 2º Grado de Torredelcampo
Soler Romero Ecológico, Alcanova de Alcaudete

The selected EVOOs will become ambas­sadors of the province of Jaén in 2015 par­tic­i­pat­ing in pro­mo­tional activ­i­ties dur­ing the year within the coun­try and abroad. Among the activ­i­ties is the 12th International Cooking with Extra Virgin Olive Oil’ Award held at the Madrid Fusión” gas­tro­nom­i­cal con­ven­tion on February 4th, 2015.

The Jaén Seleccción des­ig­na­tion aims to con­tribute to the local olive oil indus­try to improve qual­ity and encour­age a bet­ter pro­duc­tion within the province, and to enhance the image and posi­tion­ing of Jaén olive oils around the world.


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