`Third 'Olive Japan' Focuses on Consumers and Olive Oil Quality - Olive Oil Times
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Third 'Olive Japan' Focuses on Consumers and Olive Oil Quality

By Olive Oil Times Staff
May. 12, 2014 21:03 UTC
Photo cour­tesy Olive Japan

Organizers said nearly 200,000 Japanese con­sumers joined 53 extra vir­gin olive oil exhibitors and expert olive oil tasters from ten coun­tries to cel­e­brate extra vir­gin olive oil qual­ity for the third edi­tion of Olive Japan, spon­sored by the Olive Oil Sommelier Association of Japan.

Toshiya Tada, founder and chair­man of the Olive Oil Sommelier Association of Japan and the event orga­nizer, was pleased with the out­come. The great suc­cess of Olive Japan 2014 is the result of the coop­er­a­tion and con­tri­bu­tion by many peo­ple ded­i­cated to two key things — qual­ity and the con­sumer,” he said.

Olive Japan is com­prised of sev­eral inte­grated events held the week before the Japanese Golden Week hol­i­day: an inter­na­tional olive oil com­pe­ti­tion, the Olive Oil Sommelier Concours” to deter­mine the top som­me­lier in Japan for 2014; the International Olive Oil Symposium, which was a gath­er­ing of pro­duc­ers, agron­o­mists, sci­en­tists, and mar­keters; and the con­sumer Olive Oil Marché, an open-air mar­ket fea­tur­ing exhibits, work­shops, demon­stra­tions, talk shows and other inter­ac­tive events for con­sumers.

Olive Oil Competition

Organizers said 400 olive oils entered the com­pe­ti­tion from 21 coun­tries. 256 oils earned acco­lades: 14 Premier Medals, 150 Gold Medals and 92 Silver Medals (see the com­plete results here).

Olive Oil Sommelier Concours

From Tuesday, April 22nd through Thursday, April 24th, 16 entrants vied for the “#1 Olive Oil Sommelier in Japan” dis­tinc­tion at the first Olive Oil Concours. The top-scor­ing con­tes­tants were Mikiko Watanabe, Sekiyo Mizuno, Tomoko Kikuchi and Osamu Jinguji.

International Olive Oil Symposium

On Friday, April 25th, 120 olive oil enthu­si­asts, grow­ers, mar­keters and jour­nal­ists from Japan gath­ered at the Marriott Hotel in the Ginza dis­trict of Tokyo for an all day sym­po­sium on olive oil qual­ity deliv­ered by some of the world’s top experts.

Olive Marché – Open Air Market for Consumers

On Saturday and Sunday, April 26th and 27th, Olive Japan’s 2014 Marché opened to sunny skies at the upscale Futako Tamagawa RISE mall in Tokyo near the Tama River. Organizers esti­mated atten­dance for the two days at nearly 200,000.


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