`Europe, China Agree to Protect Foods With Geographical Indication - Olive Oil Times
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Europe, China Agree to Protect Foods With Geographical Indication

By Costas Vasilopoulos
Nov. 7, 2019 07:47 UTC

The European Union and China have reached an agree­ment to pro­tect one hun­dred Geographical Indications in each party from imi­ta­tions cir­cu­lat­ing in their mar­kets.

The agree­ment includes var­i­ous European prod­ucts made in dif­fer­ent regions of the European Union, like Feta and Roquefort, Irish whiskey, Champagne, Porto wine and oth­ers. Products like Kalamata Olives and some olive oils from Crete and Spain are also included in the pact and will have their names pro­tected from any usurpa­tion in the Chinese mar­ket.

The European Union, in turn, will pro­tect the names of one hun­dred Chinese food prod­ucts cur­rently avail­able in the com­mon European mar­ket, like the Panjin rice and the Anqiu Da Jiang gin­ger.

In four years, the agree­ment will be expanded to include 175 more Geographical Indications from both sides.

European Geographical Indication prod­ucts are renowned across the world for their qual­ity,” Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan, said. This agree­ment shows our com­mit­ment to work­ing closely with our global trad­ing part­ners such as China. It is a win for both par­ties, strength­en­ing our trad­ing rela­tion­ship, ben­e­fit­ting our agri­cul­tural and food sec­tors, and con­sumers on both sides.”

The deal is expected to be final­ized and signed by the two par­ties in the next few days.


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