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Foodie Theme Park to Open in Italy Next Fall

Eataly World aims to bring foodies together to eat shop and learn. Two thousand businesses will be represented at the €100-million theme park that is expected to create 700 jobs onsite.

By Julie Al-Zoubi
Jan. 5, 2017 07:28 UTC

The world’s first gourmet theme park, FICO Eataly World,” will open in Italy in September 2017. Eataly’s 20-acre Disneyland of Italian din­ing will sprawl across Bologna’s coun­try­side aim­ing to attract six mil­lion Italian food lovers annu­ally. Visitors to Eataly World will dis­cover the secrets and tra­di­tions of Italian food pro­duc­tion, pro­cess­ing and cook­ing.

Eataly World will be a fusion of enter­tain­ment, edu­ca­tion and food. Visitors will be able to observe graz­ing live­stock and savor over 10,000 square meters of flora and fauna includ­ing; olive groves and orchards with trees bear­ing aubergines, mel­ons and almonds.

Our vision for FICO Eataly World is an immense and joy­ous place where every­one can dis­cover Italy’s great her­itage.- Tiziana Primori

Thrill-seek­ing gas­tron­o­mists can hop on one of the 500 Bianchi tri­cy­cles com­plete with shop­ping bas­kets to explore the com­plex and gather up gourmet good­ies from the 9,000-square-foot food mar­ket. The cherry on the con­nois­seur’s cake is a choco­late foun­tain.

Eataly World will have six main areas to explore; fish, meat and eggs, milk and dairy pro­duce, cere­als, fruit and veg­eta­bles, drinks and dress­ings and desserts. 40 dif­fer­ent work­shops will show­case from the field to the fork” processes includ­ing the pro­duc­tion of oils and wines.

You can’t bathe in a lagoon of olive oil at Eataly World but you can immerse your­self in six vir­tual real­ity expe­ri­ences or drown your sor­rows in the beer fac­tory. A trip to the foodie fan­tasy land is guar­an­teed to whet your appetite. You can dine in one of Eataly World’s 25 restau­rants; after an aper­i­tif and chin-chin” in one of its three bars.

Eataly World aims to bring food­ies together to eat shop and learn. The theme park’s CEO Tiziana Primori explained, Our vision for FICO Eataly World is an immense and joy­ous place where every­one can dis­cover Italy’s great her­itage. There will be no place in Italy or the world, where you can see and explore this wide range of food pro­cess­ing and cook­ing in a sin­gle loca­tion.”

Eataly World is not the Italian food emporium’s first voy­age beyond met­ro­pol­i­tan mega­s­tores. In 2013 Eataly took to the seas open­ing restau­rants on Italian cruise ships MSC Preziosa and MSC Divina.

Eataly was founded by Italian Oscar Farinetti. He announced his vision of Eat Italy’ over Sunday lunch in 2003. Farinetti opened his first Eataly in Turin in 2007. One and a half mil­lion cus­tomers flocked to Farinetti’s out­let in the first six months.

Eataly now has over 27 mega­s­tores around the world in; Italy, Japan, Turkey, Dubai, Brazil, South Korea and the U.S. Eataly’s Italian mar­ket­places have become tourist attrac­tions as well as gourmet food halls on par with the likes of Harrods.

Farinetti aspired to make high-qual­ity Italian foods avail­able to every­one at fair prices and in an envi­ron­ment where peo­ple can shop, taste and learn.” Eataly’s del­i­ca­cies include almost 100 vari­eties of Italian extra vir­gin olive oil, many from smaller, tra­di­tional farms.

Farinetti believes, the oppor­tu­nity to shop, eat and learn at the same time has made cus­tomers fall in love with Eataly. Before Eataly, there had never been a for­mat that pro­posed these three activ­i­ties in the same big place, open to every­body.”

If a day at Eataly World is not enough to sati­ate your hunger for Italian fare, a 200-room hotel will be added in 2018.

Two thou­sand busi­nesses, includ­ing small com­pa­nies deliv­er­ing high-qual­ity prod­ucts, will be rep­re­sented at Eataly World. The eco-friendly project (which has suf­fered two years of delays) incor­po­rates reclaimed wood and 44,000 solar pan­els (the most on a sin­gle European prop­erty). The project has cost €100 mil­lion and is expected to cre­ate 700 jobs onsite.

Admission to Eataly World is free.


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