Olive Oil Makes Thanksgiving Dishes Soar

Olive oil provides a healthful and tasteful solution to creating dishes that are tasty and more healthy than all that butter.

By Carly Zinderman
Nov. 18, 2016 11:50 UTC

There is no doubt that in America, Thanksgiving is the ulti­mate food cel­e­bra­tion. Thanksgiving is the first in a series of hol­i­day events that put food front and cen­ter. And thanks to the typ­i­cally unhealthy American diet of ani­mal-sourced fats, but­ter fea­tures in a great deal of Thanksgiving dishes.
See Also:Pour on the Olive Oil for Thanksgiving
Olive oil can brighten things up while adding healthy fats to the meal and for trans­form­ing clas­sic dishes into being vegan-friendly (turkey not included) if you hap­pen to be hav­ing a vegan guest this year. Try sub­sti­tut­ing but­ter for olive oil dur­ing your Thanksgiving meal and dis­cover whether or not you even miss the but­ter.


Before the offi­cial feast begins, set out a few easy fixes to stem the tide of hun­gry guests. Fill a dip­ping bowl with olive oil and herbs accom­pa­nied by a baguette for a quick fix. Olive oil also makes an ele­gant driz­zle for dips and cheese plates and won?t con­geal in an unap­peal­ing crust like melted but­ter does.

Main Course

The turkey is undoubt­edly what every­one looks for­ward to the most, but many peo­ple fear the beast. Butterball even pro­vides an annual hot­line for timid cooks to call in and help. If you think of a turkey as a very large chicken, it is sud­denly much less intim­i­dat­ing. And there’s no bet­ter way to roast a chicken than by bast­ing with olive oil and herbs. Do the same thing with your turkey this year.

Instead of try­ing to get hunks of but­ter between the flesh and the skin, just douse the bird with a hefty dose of olive oil inside and out. You can even inject it into the breast and thighs using an injec­tor tool. Then sprin­kle salt and pep­per, stuff in a few lemons and herbs and be pre­pared to enjoy a moist turkey.

Side Dishes

Roasted veg­gies are an easy side dish and ben­e­fit greatly from being cooked in olive oil. An extra driz­zle along with a sprin­kle of salt and pep­per boosts fla­vor before hit­ting the table.

Starchy clas­sics like mashed pota­toes can also be made with olive oil instead of but­ter.


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