What do the dates on the bottle of olive oil mean?

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Olive oil pack­ag­ing usu­ally shows a best by date’ but a har­vest date’ is a bet­ter indi­ca­tion of its age. Why Because a pro­ducer can keep oil in a tank for years before he bot­tles it (and the best by date is 2 years after that). The har­vest date tells you when the fruit was crushed. So look for a har­vest date if you can find one and make sure it’s fresh — har­vested no more than a year ago is ideal.

For more quick answers to your olive oil ques­tions, ask Ollie — a bot devel­oped by the Olive Oil Times Education Lab that uses arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to help peo­ple learn more about olive oil.
