Grades / page 2

Feb. 20, 2017

When Does Olive Oil Lose Its Virginity?

Unlike wine, olive oil does not improve with time. And while many might wonder how long an extra virgin olive oil will stay extra virgin, there are too many moving parts for a simple answer.

Dec. 15, 2016

U.S. Lab Gets IOC Nod for Olive Oil Chemistry Testing

The International Olive Council has accredited Eurofins CAL for the chemical analysis of olive oil, the first independent U.S. lab to achieve the designation.

Oct. 26, 2016

Misinformation from the Cook Who Coined 'EVOO'

You might think the cook and author Rachael Ray, who is credited with coining 'EVOO' as shorthand for extra virgin olive oil, would do the necessary homework to get it right.

Mar. 22, 2013

New World Fails in Push to Raise Campesterol Limit for Olive Oil

New World producers have again failed in a bid to raise the limit for campesterol in olive oil, which they say acts as a trade barrier.

Aug. 2, 2012

Test to Detect Explosives Also Finds Bad Olive Oil

Researchers at the University of Córdoba have proven that ion mobility spectrometry, the analytical technique most commonly used to detect explosives and at airports, is also effective for identifying fraudulent olive oil.

Jul. 30, 2012

Chemists' Society Offers Proficiency Testing for Olive Oil Sensory Panels

AOCS recognition will give sensory panels an opportunity to demonstrate to olive oil producers, retailers, and importers that they are accurately assessing olive oil quality.

Jul. 12, 2012

Argentina to IOC: Campesterol Level Must Change

Argentina continued its push for a revision to the International Olive Council limit for campesterol in olive oil at the IOC Council of Members meeting in Buenos Aires.

Dec. 6, 2011

Critical Information for Olive Oil Decision Makers

Top olive oil experts will share insights to help distinguish good quality olive oil from bad at a January 12 conference presented by the Culinary Institute of America and the UC Davis Olive Center.

Oct. 31, 2011

Aussie Standard Wrapped, Paul Miller Pitches New World Olive Oil Quality 'Alliance'

Miller leads a new alliance that aims to connect producers and consumers with an olive oil quality indexing system and restoring the "good brand" of extra virgin.

Oct. 11, 2011

International Olive Council Studying Oils Beyond the Limits of its Standard

The IOC invited producers to help it better understand olive oils that fell outside of its standards. The limited response was discussed last week in Madrid.


Sep. 30, 2011

In Olive Council Memorandum, 'Unease' Over Australian Standards

In a memorandum sent to Standards Australia, Codex and Australia's agriculture and foreign affairs ministries, the IOC laid out what it sees as a troubling development.

Jul. 20, 2011

Australia Adopts New Voluntary Standards for Olive Oil

Australian Olive Association President Paul Miller said “the standard puts consumers in a much stronger position when it comes to making informed choices.”

May. 30, 2011

Seville Meeting Asks "What Do Consumers Know About Olive Oil?"

Consumers' knowledge about olive oil quality, and controversial new EU rules designed to crack down on deodorized oils are on the agenda of a new annual conference in Seville.

Jan. 4, 2011

Australia, New Zealand Draft New Olive Oil Standards

A draft of new olive oil standards for Australia and New Zealand reveals strict labeling guidelines, while leaving a key international EVOO benchmark unchanged.

Oct. 25, 2010

New U.S. Olive Oil Standards in Effect Today

Producers who choose to label their product "US Extra Virgin Olive Oil" may now begin the process of having it inspected and certified by the USDA.

Sep. 14, 2010

Understanding the New USDA Olive Oil Standards

Next month new USDA standards for olive oil go into effect. Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne and Paul Vossen address common questions about what the standards mean for producers.

Sep. 9, 2010

What You Didn't Know About Olive Pomace Oil: Uses, Benefits and Controversies

Olive pomace oil is made using chemical solvents and heat. Still, the lowly olive oil grade offers some health benefits and useful culinary applications.

Jul. 14, 2010

Report: Most Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Aren't Extra Virgin

Most olive oils labeled as extra virgin sourced from several California supermarkets were substandard, according to the UC Davis Olive Center.
