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Biden Administration Plans Overhaul of Nutrition Labeling

New guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will focus on overall dietary patterns instead of specific macro and micronutrients.
AP Photo
By Paolo DeAndreis
Oct. 6, 2022 15:55 UTC

Access to healthy food and food secu­rity in the United States are the goals of the White House’s new national hunger, nutri­tion and health strat­egy.

President Joe Biden’s admin­is­tra­tion said it would push for a series of leg­isla­tive and exec­u­tive actions through coop­er­a­tion with national and local insti­tu­tions, the food indus­try, schools and other stake­hold­ers.

These include improv­ing food access and qual­ity, pro­mot­ing phys­i­cal activ­ity and research­ing food secu­rity and nutri­tion issues. A new approach to food label­ing is also a cru­cial part of the ini­tia­tive.

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We are mobi­liz­ing the will to meet a bold goal: to end hunger in America and increase healthy eat­ing and phys­i­cal activ­ity by 2030, so fewer Americans expe­ri­ence diet-related dis­eases,” Biden said dur­ing a speech intro­duc­ing the new plan.

One of the pil­lars of the new strat­egy is increas­ing con­sumer aware­ness about the food they buy to pro­mote healthy choices. To this end, cur­rent food label­ing will be updated with the intro­duc­tion of a front-of-pack label­ing (FOPL) sys­tem.

According to the new plan, the FOPL would fos­ter a health­ier approach to food and prompt the indus­try to improve the health of its food.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will develop the label­ing sys­tem, instruct­ing the indus­try on using the Dietary Guidelines Statements on food labels.

To this end, the FDA pro­posed a rule update for the healthy” claim on food prod­ucts which was intro­duced in 1994 and is now con­sid­ered out­dated.

The cur­rent reg­u­la­tion spec­i­fies lim­its on con­tents such as fat, sodium and cho­les­terol and sets min­i­mum amounts of nutri­ents such as vit­a­mins A and C, cal­cium, iron, pro­tein and dietary fiber. Approximately 5 per­cent of all pack­aged food cur­rently is labeled healthy.”

The FDA said it would allow the use of the health claim for foods that help con­sumers fol­low a healthy dietary pat­tern accord­ing to cur­rent nutri­tion sci­ence. The agency cited olive oil as an exam­ple of a food that was pre­vi­ously excluded but now may receive the healthy” claim.

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The FDA wrote that the use of olive oil as a replace­ment for more com­mon sat­u­rated fats is sup­ported by cur­rent nutri­tion sci­ence and empha­sized by fed­eral dietary guid­ance… as part of a healthy dietary pat­tern.”

Under the cur­rent regime, olive oil can­not bear the healthy” claim because it does not con­tain 10 per­cent of the daily value of required nutri­ents.

Thus, the exist­ing healthy’ claim has become incon­sis­tent with the long­stand­ing pur­pose of this type of implied claim to indi­cate that the nutri­ent lev­els in a food may help con­sumers main­tain healthy dietary prac­tices,” the FDA said.

The core of the new pro­posed frame­work uses a food group-based approach which, the FDA said, is based on the under­stand­ing that each food group con­tributes an array of impor­tant nutri­ents to the diet.”

Therefore, the FDA added, the new healthy cri­te­ria would empha­size healthy dietary pat­terns by requir­ing food prod­ucts” to be labeled healthy” when they con­tain a cer­tain amount of food from at least one of the food groups or sub­groups rec­om­mended by the Dietary Guidelines, 2020 to 2025.”

Once enacted, the new reg­u­la­tion would limit added sug­ars, sat­u­rated fats and sodium. It would also include cer­tain record­keep­ing require­ments for foods bear­ing the claim where com­pli­ance can­not be ver­i­fied through infor­ma­tion on the prod­uct label.”

Comments on the new FDA pro­posed reg­u­la­tion update will be accepted until December 28, 2022.


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