`EVOO Consumption in Rats Found to Reduce Risk of Cardiomyopathies - Olive Oil Times
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EVOO Consumption in Rats Found to Reduce Risk of Cardiomyopathies

By Paolo DeAndreis
Apr. 21, 2020 14:46 UTC

Consuming a diet high in extra vir­gin olive oil may help reduce the like­li­hood of drug-induced car­diomy­opathies, accord­ing to a new study from Umm Al Qura University, in Saudi Arabia.

The goal of the study, which was pub­lished in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, was to eval­u­ate the ther­a­peu­tic influ­ence of extra vir­gin olive oil, both as an anti-hyper­ten­sive and car­dio­pro­tec­tive against dox­oru­bicin-induced car­diomy­opa­thy in rats.

Extra vir­gin olive oil is well-known for its many health ben­e­fits, includ­ing anti-inflam­ma­tory and anti-dia­betic prop­er­ties as well as pro­tect­ing against heart dis­eases, like car­diomy­opathies.

In the study, the researchers cre­ated five sep­a­rate groups of rats: a con­trol group, a dis­ease con­trol group (which were injected with dox­oru­bicin) and three ther­a­peu­tic groups, which were also injected. The rats in the ther­a­peu­tic groups were given a diet sup­ple­mented with dif­fer­ent lev­els of extra vir­gin olive oil (2.5 per­cent, five per­cent and 10 per­cent).

The car­dio­pro­tec­tive, anti-hyper­ten­sive and antiox­i­dant poten­tial of extra vir­gin olive oil were then stud­ied by mea­sur­ing dif­fer­ent blood, serum and tis­sue bio­mark­ers, enzymes and hemo­dy­namic para­me­ters in each of the five groups.

The results showed that the rats in the ther­a­peu­tic group that con­sumed the diet sup­ple­mented by 10 per­cent extra vir­gin olive oil had lower lev­els of cho­les­terol and an enzyme attrib­uted to car­diomy­opa­thy than the rats in the four other groups.

Rats in all three ther­a­peu­tic groups had higher lev­els of antiox­i­dants in their blood than the rats in either con­trol group as well.

Dietary admin­is­tra­tion of extra vir­gin olive oil has the poten­tial to reduce drug-induced car­diomy­opathies and sus­tained use of extra vir­gin olive oil in the diet could be car­dio­pro­tec­tive and use­ful against high blood pres­sure,” Waleed Hassan AlMalki and Imran Shahid con­cluded.


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