`Hospitals in Madrid Will Start the Day with a 'Spanish Breakfast' - Olive Oil Times
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Hospitals in Madrid Will Start the Day with a 'Spanish Breakfast'

By Pandora Penamil Penafiel
Jan. 19, 2012 11:04 UTC


The Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organization and HM Hospitals signed today a part­ner­ship to make the Spanish Breakfast” the base of a healthy menu in all of the cen­ters in the city of Madrid. The cen­ters include the HM Universitario Madrid, HM Universitario Montepríncipe, HM Universitario Torrelodones, HM Universitario Sanchinarro and HM Nuevo Belén.

The sign­ing of this man­i­fest took place this morn­ing in Madrid, in the Sanchinarro HM University Hospital. The doc­u­ment was signed by Pedro Rubio Aragonés, vice pres­i­dent of the Spanish Olive Oil Interprofessional Organization and Dr. Juan Abarca Cidón, man­ag­ing direc­tor of HM hos­pi­tals.

From now on patients of these cen­ters (1,000,000 vis­its in 2010) and its 1,700 employ­ees will start the day in the most healthy and deli­cious way, because we have an oblig­a­tion to cure, but also to take care of our patients,” said Dr. Abarca dur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion of the man­i­fest. Spanish olive oil is really healthy and has an incred­i­ble fla­vor,” he added.

HM Hospital will offer the pro­posal at their cen­ters to pro­mote the Spanish Breakfastwhich rather than an effort, is a plea­sure for us,” Dr. Abarca said, adding that these medic cen­ters are con­vinced about the health ben­e­fits of olive oil. It has been shown that, among other many things, olive oil helps to reduce loads of dis­eases such as cho­les­terol,” he said.

Pedro Rubio was pleased with this com­mit­ment from HM Hospitals, the first one we have signed in the field of health,” he said. Rubio said it was another step in the devel­op­ment of a strat­egy that has to con­sider the Spanish Breakfast a global culi­nary ref­er­ence. We started here, but the Spanish Breakfast has been to Russia when we started the pro­mo­tion cam­paign. In a short period of time, this pro­posal will also reach other inter­na­tional mar­kets.”

That does not mean that the Spanish Breakfast” has not set new goals in our coun­try,” he said, adding that the next agree­ment to be signed will be with Telefonica, the largest national tele­phone oper­a­tor in Spain. The big chal­lenge for the span­ish olive oil sec­tor is now in schools, where it is still not required to use olive oil. We care about the health of our chil­dren,” con­cluded the Interprofessional’s Pedro Barato.

Mercacei arti­cles also appear in Mercacei mag­a­zine and are not edited by Olive Oil Times.

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