`Ready For Your Spanish Breakfast? - Olive Oil Times
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Ready For Your Spanish Breakfast?

By Julie Butler
Apr. 27, 2011 13:53 UTC

Full English break­fast, Continental Breakfast or Spanish Breakfast?

Spain’s olive oil indus­try is push­ing for the Desayuno Español to join all the other options in hotels and eater­ies not just nation­ally, but in wider Europe and beyond.

What exactly is a tra­di­tional Spanish break­fast? It goes with­out say­ing that olive oil fea­tures. Fruit, dairy prod­ucts, bread, toma­toes and cof­fee are other key ingre­di­ents and they could also be accom­pa­nied by ham, sausages, honey, eggs and nuts.

Spain’s Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español (a non-profit offi­cial orga­ni­za­tion rep­re­sent­ing all mem­bers of the olive oil sec­tor) wants the break­fast – based on the much-lauded Mediterranean Diet – to be a stan­dard menu option. As well as pro­mot­ing a bal­anced meal, they see it as a way to increase aware­ness and con­sump­tion of olive oil.

Our goal is to see it incor­po­rated in the cui­sine offered by cater­ing estab­lish­ments around the world”, said the orga­ni­za­tion’s pres­i­dent, Pedro Barato. The project is also a plat­form to pro­mote our best qual­ity olive oils inter­na­tion­ally.”

The orga­ni­za­tion sees Spain as hav­ing a unique advan­tage in being able to offer a break­fast con­cept that is truly tra­di­tional, healthy and tasty.

In real­ity, many mod­ern Spaniards skip break­fast or suf­fice with just a café con leche or, at the most, some toast or yogurt. But around mid-morn­ing they usu­ally take a break­fast break and then tuck into a small baguette driz­zled with olive oil – often rubbed with tomato and even gar­lic – along with a fill­ing of ham, cheese, tuna or chorizo, etc.

So the con­cept is tied to real­ity, but will it catch on abroad?

Some of Spain’s top chefs and nutri­tion­ists, as well as its Minister of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, are help­ing pro­mote the idea, and the Interprofessional has a work­ing party ded­i­cated to devel­op­ing it fur­ther.

Here three lead­ing Spanish chefs pro­pose their vision of a nutri­tion­ally-bal­anced Spanish Breakfast. Which one would you be more likely to order?

Alberto Chicote
• 7g EVOO
• 200ml water
• 100g of orange
• 30g Jamón Ibérico (a tra­di­tional, high qual­ity cured ham)
• 10g honey
• 40g toasted farm­house bread
• 40g fresh cheese
• red tea

Adolfo Muñoz
• 9g EVOO
• 500ml water with fresh lemon or lime juice
• a pear
• a kiwi fruit
• low-fat yogurt
• a tomato
• 20g Jamón Serrano (Spain’s tra­di­tional cured ham)
• 30g whole­meal bread

Paco Roncero
• 5g EVOO
• 350ml water
• 20g ham
• 50g tomato
• 40g of white or whole­meal toast
• low-fat yogurt
• 200ml orange juice
• red tea


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