Health / page 17

Feb. 2, 2021

Nutri-Score Remains the Front Runner for Europe's Food Label Program

Researchers who have been studying the French-born FOPL respond to the criticism that Nutri-Score is at odds with the Mediterranean diet.

Jan. 15, 2021

Refined Foods May Impede Benefits of Mediterranean Diet, Study Finds

Participants adhering more closely to a Mediterranean diet experienced slower rates of cognitive decline than those who consumed more refined foods typical of the Western diet.

Jan. 12, 2021

Switching to the Mediterranean Diet Can Reduce the Risk of Having a Second Heart Attack

Researchers demonstrated that adopting the Mediterranean diet after suffering a heart attack could reduce the possibility of another and help lessen the damage brought on by cardiovascular disease.

Nov. 24, 2020

Study Sheds New Light on Benefits of High-Phenolic EVOO for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment

New research demonstrated how the long-term consumption of high-phenolic, early-harvest extra virgin olive oil mitigates the effects of amnestic mild cognitive impairment in elderly people.

Nov. 5, 2020

Polyphenols Found in Olive Oil Could Be Key Ingredient for Improving Food Safety

Researchers say olive oil rich in polyphenols could become a food additive ingredient for improving food safety and increasing protection for humans and livestock.

Oct. 20, 2020

Study Suggests Olive Oil Helps Prevent Arterial Disease, Pomace Oil Might Worsen It

Olive oil consumption is associated with benefits for the prevention of peripheral arterial disease, while pomace oil could promote its development.

Sep. 28, 2020

Seven Countries Protest Adoption of Nutri-Score at European Meeting

Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Cyprus and Romania asked the E.U. to take a new approach to the subject of front-of-pack labeling.

Sep. 25, 2020

Labeling Systems Like Nutri-Score Could Save Lives, Researchers Say

Researchers across Europe demonstrated that consuming foods with a higher nutrient profiling score was associated with an increased mortality.

Sep. 22, 2020

Mediterranean Diet May Help Prevent Rheumatoid Arthritis in Smokers

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet among female smokers and former smokers was linked with a reduced risk of contracting rheumatoid arthritis.

Sep. 9, 2020

Greek Salad is Trending

At a time when consumers are reconsidering options and choosing healthier foods, the Greek salad is enjoying a moment as an accessible and delicious dish high in nutritional value.


Sep. 2, 2020

Adherence to MedDiet Reduces Risk of Contracting Symptoms Associated With Parkinson’s, Study Finds

Researchers at Harvard University found that diets rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts decreased the manifestations of prodromal symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease by as much as one-third.

Aug. 31, 2020

Consuming High-Polyphenol EVOO Reduces Blood Pressure, Study Finds

Researchers found that consuming high-polyphenol extra virgin olive oil significantly reduced peripheral and central systolic blood pressure in healthy adults.

Aug. 27, 2020

NCI Funds Effort to Develop Oleocanthal as Cancer Prevention Tool

The National Cancer Institute awarded a grant for researchers to develop the nutraceutical phenolic compound as a functional food in the prevention of breast cancer.

Aug. 10, 2020

Consuming Some Animal Products Does Not Undermine Benefits of Plant-Based Diets

Newly published research from the University of Warwick shows that plant-based diets, such as Mediterranean diet, can lower cardiovascular risks even if they include a moderate amount of animal products.

Aug. 7, 2020

E.U. Approves Italian Alternative to Nutri-Score Labeling System

Supporters hope Nutrinform, now approved for use in Europe, can challenge the controversial Nutri-Score system.

Jul. 30, 2020

'MIND Diet' Among Five Factors That May Lower Risk of Alzheimer's, Study Finds

Older individuals who adhered to the MIND diet along with several other brain-healthy behaviors had a substantially lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Jul. 22, 2020

Study Links Obesity and Dementia, Recommends MedDiet

Following the Mediterranean diet and other healthy lifestyle habits helps people maintain a normal body mass index and, in turn, lowers the risks of developing dementia later in life, researchers found.

Jul. 20, 2020

Study Suggests Med Diet Benefits Cardiovascular Health of Firefighters

Researchers say the results show that instruction on healthy lifestyle habits in academies could help improve physical fitness and the overall health of firefighters.
