Apr. 22, 2019
Nutrients From Food, Not Supplements, Associated With Lower Death Risk
Researchers found the adverse health effects of a poor diet can not be offset by taking nutritional supplements.
Apr. 16, 2019
Poor Diet Kills More People than Smoking or High Blood Pressure
New global research showed the longevity advantage of following a nutrient-dense diet that is plentiful in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.
Apr. 8, 2019
Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Risk of Bladder Cancer
New research suggests an inverse relationship exists between following the Mediterranean diet and the incidence of bladder cancer.
Apr. 8, 2019 Health
Adding Dairy Products To Med Diet Reduces Cardiovascular Risk
Apr. 1, 2019 Health
New Study Suggests a Healthy Diet May Not Reduce Dementia Risk
Apr. 1, 2019 Health
Mar. 27, 2019 Health
Heart-Healthy Diets Linked to Better Cognitive Function in Middle Age
Mar. 20, 2019 Food & Cooking
London's New Ad Ban on Public Transport Equates Olive Oil to Junk Food
Mar. 18, 2019
Frequent Olive Oil Consumption May Reduce Risk of Blood Clots
In a recent study, the participants who consumed the most olive oil had the least platelet accumulation, which could lead to heart disease and stroke.
Mar. 7, 2019
Not All Saturated Fats Are the Same for Cardiovascular Health
After examining the association between saturated fat sources and cardiovascular health, researchers recommend higher consumption of staple foods of the Mediterranean diet such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Mar. 4, 2019
Ban on Trans Fats in NYC Restaurants Reduces Cardiovascular Risk
A recently published study found that overall trans fat levels had fallen by around 57 percent and people who frequently dined out benefited from a greater decrease of around 62 percent.
Feb. 26, 2019
Spain Tops List of World's Healthiest Countries
Bloomberg's Healthiest Country Index ranked Spain as the healthiest country in the world in 2019, beating out Italy. Healthy eating habits and the Mediterranean diet are mainly responsible for the increase.
Feb. 25, 2019
Mapping the Polyphenols of Greek EVOOs for Healthy Aging
Extra virgin olive oils from Crete were found to contain the highest polyphenols load. Two-phase processing was also found to better preserves phenols in olive oil.
Feb. 19, 2019
Auburn University Raising Money for Olive Oil and Alzheimer's Research
Researchers at Auburn University have found that a compound in extra virgin olive oil might be valuable for helping prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
Feb. 19, 2019
Dietary Fiber Linked to Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer
Consuming a minimum of 25 to 29 grams of fiber from Mediterranean diet plant foods is significantly tied to better health and longevity, including a lower the risk of diabetes.
Jan. 31, 2019
Key Nutrients in Mediterranean Diet Linked to Healthy Brain Aging
Illinois researchers discover nutrients from fatty fish, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables work synergistically to enhance brain health.
Jan. 30, 2019
Compound Found in Olives May Help Prevent Deadly Type of Breast Cancer
A study completed at the University of Jaén has identified the benefits that a compound found in both olives and olive oil may have on an aggressive type of breast cancer.
Jan. 23, 2019
French Court Bans Popular Herbicide
The world's most widely-used herbicide, developed by Monsanto, is now banned in France.
Jan. 17, 2019
Sommelier Program to Commence in London
The London edition of the acclaimed six-day olive oil sommelier course will begin this weekend in Bloomsbury.
Jan. 10, 2019
New Study Delves Into Mechanisms Behind MedDiet's Health Benefits
Researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 25 percent. They also got some clues as to why this may be the case.
Jan. 7, 2019
Supplementing the MedDiet With Some Dairy Can Be Heart Healthy
A new study discovered it is not necessary to avoid cheese and yogurt to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Jan. 2, 2019
Med Diet During Mother's Pregnancy Linked to Lower Risk of Obesity in Children
Spanish researchers discovered that following the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy resulted in a weight benefit for children in the first four years of life.
Dec. 11, 2018
Mediterranean Diet Plus Regular Exercise Maintains Weight Loss
A new study shows the formula tor long-term weight loss and heart health is to eat the nutritious Mediterranean diet and engage in regular workouts.