May. 17, 2016
Various studies show olive oil is beneficial for infection and infectious diseases having antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
May. 9, 2016
Med Diet Reduces Risk of Major Cardiac Events
In a recent study, the Mediterranean diet decreased the risk of adverse events for patients with cardiovascular disease, while surprisingly the Western diet showed no association for an adverse risk.
May. 4, 2016
Nutritional Genomics and the Role of the Mediterranean Diet in Cardiovascular Disease
Early research in nutritional genomics shows the Mediterranean diet and consumption of olive oil fosters positive molecular changes in the body.
May. 2, 2016 Health
Extra Virgin Olive Oil More Effective than Ibuprofen in Treating Menstrual Pain
Apr. 21, 2016 Health
EVOO Phenols Enhance Osteoblast Cell Growth for Better Bone Health
Apr. 4, 2016 Health
Apr. 4, 2016 Health
Mar. 30, 2016 Health
Topical Olive Oil Prevents Pressure Ulcers in Immobilized Patients
Mar. 30, 2016
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Reduces Postprandial Glucose After High GI Meal in Type 1 Diabetes
New research shows that extra virgin olive oil reduces postprandial glucose in type 1 diabetics after consuming a high glycemic index meal
Mar. 15, 2016
Montoro-Adamuz Gets High Marks for Phenols
Extra virgin olive oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz contains high levels of bioactive compounds and substances attributed to positive health benefits.
Mar. 10, 2016
Researchers in Spain Finding Ways to Make Fat in Chocolate and Meats Healthier
Health experts and the EU are pushing us to trade saturated fat for mono and polyunsaturated fats. It is not easy to give up our favorite foods, so Spain is finding ways to make them healthier.
Mar. 4, 2016
Benefits of Olive Oil for Low Birthweight Infants
Extra virgin olive oil coupled with common nutritional interventions for very low birth weight infants may increase weight gaining and decrease hospitalization time.
Feb. 29, 2016
Phenolic-compound-rich foods such as olive oil, vegetables and fruit promote the abundance of beneficial bacteria.
Feb. 24, 2016
Med Diet with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Reduces Incidence of Invasive Breast Cancer
Randomized trial shows that consuming a MedDiet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil reduces invasive breast cancer by 68 percent
Feb. 20, 2016
How EVOO Exerts Neuroprotective Activity Against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
Phenols in extra virgin olive oil exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the brain that scavenge pesticide induced free radicals that contribute to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Feb. 19, 2016
Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Olive Oil
Phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil exert powerful natural anti-inflammatory benefits for various health conditions.
Feb. 18, 2016
Benefits of Olive Oil Consumption in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
A review of recent evidence shows that olive oil helps improve key mechanisms involved in the development and progression of type 2 diabetes, being a suitable recommendation as part of a healthy dietary intervention.
Feb. 16, 2016
Olive Oil Component Stops Gut Bacteria Linked To Heart and Brain Diseases
Extra virgin olive oil contains a non-toxic chemical compound called DMB that prevents gut bacteria from converting certain nutrients into a harmful chemical that negatively affects heart and brain health.
Feb. 16, 2016
Exclusive Olive Oil Consumption Protects Against Coronary Artery Disease
Studies show some promising results for a protective effect against coronary artery disease with exclusive olive oil consumption.
Feb. 12, 2016
Storage Temperature's Big Impact on Shelf Life of High-Phenolic Olive Oils
Researchers investigated the effect of temperature on the stability of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oil during long-term storage.
Feb. 12, 2016
Olive Oil May Be Useful in Brain Cancer Chemoprevention
Compounds in extra virgin olive oil inhibit key proinflammatory molecules involved in the development and progression of aggressive brain cancer.
Feb. 8, 2016
Mediterranean Diet with EVOO Reduces Cognitive Decline in Older Age
A Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil is a promising dietary intervention to reduce age-related cognitive decline including Alzheimer's, dementia, and mild cognitive impairment.
Feb. 8, 2016
Low Carb Mediterranean Diet Results in Higher Rate of Remission in Type 2 Diabetes
A low-carb Mediterranean diet delays medication use and results in higher rate of remission in type 2 diabetes compared to low-fat diet.