Health / page 60

May. 19, 2014

Too Much Pollution Where you Live? Olive Oil Might Help

A new study shows that olive oil may protect against the adverse vascular effects of exposure to air pollution particles.

May. 13, 2014

Formidable Fat: The Plant-Based Olive Oil Diet

Brown University researcher Dr. Mary Flynn says her advocacy of a plant-based, olive oil diet was at one time considered outrageous.

May. 1, 2014

A 'Model Diet' for Prevention of Alzheimer's

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet slows cognitive decline, a condition that ultimately leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

Mar. 13, 2014

Mediterranean Diet May Mitigate Heart Failure Risk Factors

New evidence suggests a Mediterranean diet may improve the markers used to diagnose and provide a prognosis for heart failure.

Mar. 6, 2014

Mediterranean Diet Effective for Weight Loss, Study Finds

Obese subjects who followed variations of the Mediterranean diet not only lost weight, but were successful in maintaining it as well.

Feb. 26, 2014

The FDA’s Take on the Benefits of Olive Oil

The qualified health claim states that 2 tablespoons of olive oil every day may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Feb. 20, 2014

Achieve Nutrient Adequacy by Following the Mediterranean Diet

In a recent report, subjects who strictly followed the Mediterranean diet were more likely to meet their nutrient needs.

Feb. 18, 2014

U.S. FDA Warns Company Over Olive Oil-Related Claims

A recent FDA warning letter is a sobering reminder for dietary supplement companies to be careful about their product claims.

Feb. 13, 2014

Mediterranean Diet May Protect the Heart More than a Low-Fat Diet

A review of the last fifty years of research showed a Mediterranean diet appears to be more effective in protecting the heart.

Feb. 3, 2014

More Misconceptions About Olive Oil

Claims about the healthfulness of olive oil made by seed and vegetable companies are unsubstantiated.


Jan. 29, 2014

Components in the Mediterranean Diet May Prevent Some Cancers

A study investigates the relationship between cancer risk and different components in foods that are typical of the Mediterranean diet.

Jan. 8, 2014

Mediterranean Diet with Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Protect from Diabetes

Spanish researchers found that following a Mediterranean diet may cut the risk of diabetes by about 30 percent.

Jan. 5, 2014

Berkeley Olive Grove EVOO Packs a Punch

Recent research shows one California extra virgin olive oil just might be among the world's healthiest.

Nov. 11, 2013

Mediterranean Diet in Midlife Results in Better Quality of Life in Old Age

Women who followed a Mediterranean style diet in midlife were more likely at old age to be without any major limitations in physical and mental health.

Nov. 6, 2013

Olive Compounds Said to Enhance Healing Power of Human Stem Cells

A new patent application proposes adding olive polyphenols in wound treatments based on umbilical cord stem cells.

Oct. 30, 2013

More Confirmation Mediterranean Diet Protects from Brain Diseases

Adherence to a Mediterranean diet may contribute to prevention of stroke, depression, cognitive impairment, and Parkinson disease.

Oct. 28, 2013

Mediterranean Diet Gaining Among Nutritionists But Olive Oil Still on Sidelines

Despite the recognition of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil continues to be overlooked in the dietetic community.

Sep. 19, 2013

Patent Bid Showcases Oleocanthal’s Versatility

Researchers say Oleocanthal - the part of extra virgin olive oil that stings the throat - is a marketing opportunity yet to be tapped.
