Health / page 72

Jan. 19, 2011

Maybe You Shouldn't Do Something About That Cough

Researchers revealed that sensor molecules, located in the human throat but not the mouth, attach to a chemical found in high-end olive oils causing the very noticeable sensation

Jan. 12, 2011

More Evidence Olive Oil is Good for the Heart

Researchers found that women who consume at least three tablespoons of olive oil each day are forty percent less likely to develop heart disease.

Dec. 22, 2010

The Mediterranean Diet Revisited

Thanks to an ever-growing body of evidence that it can prevent everything from heart disease to cancer, the Mediterranean diet sets a standard for long life and good health.

Sep. 9, 2010

What You Didn't Know About Olive Pomace Oil: Uses, Benefits and Controversies

Olive pomace oil is made using chemical solvents and heat. Still, the lowly olive oil grade offers some health benefits and useful culinary applications.

Sep. 2, 2010

On Nutella, Olive Oil and Obesity

The recent Nutella affair provoked scandal and outrage in Italy, while the UNESCO decision enshrining olive oil was met with understated pride. What's going on here?

Aug. 25, 2010

EVOO Top 10

Every day there seem to be more and more reasons why extra-virgin olive oil should be a part of everybody's eating plan. If it isn't already part of yours, here are ten powerful reasons to add it to the menu.

Jul. 27, 2010

Spain Looks at Overstocked EVOO for School Lunches

The inclusion of olive oil into school meals would create internal demand for Spanish olive oil much of which has been warehoused to rescue falling prices.

Jun. 30, 2010

EVOO Fights Heart Disease Changing How Genes Function

New research in the FASEB Journal suggests that the polyphenols in virgin olive oil modify the expression of atherosclerosis-related genes, leading to health benefits.

Jun. 30, 2010

Key Mechanism Links Olive Oil to Protection Against Breast Cancer.

Scientists demonstrated that virgin olive oil is associated with a decrease in the activity of the p21Ras oncogene, which stimulates the growth of tumors.
