`U.S. Dietary Committee Recommends Mediterranean Diet for Healthy Living - Olive Oil Times
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U.S. Dietary Committee Recommends Mediterranean Diet for Healthy Living

By Katherine Barrier
Apr. 27, 2015 07:48 UTC

The United States Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee released new dietary guide­lines for the Mediterranean diet in their 2015 Scientific Report, sug­gest­ing Americans should fol­low the Mediterranean dietary model for bet­ter health.

The 2015 DGAC report is designed to pro­vide Americans with the best dietary rec­om­men­da­tions from 14 lead­ing experts in nutri­tion. Recommendations come from the most recent research on nutri­tion, pro­vid­ing guide­lines for fed­eral pol­icy, nutri­tion pro­grams, busi­nesses and hos­pi­tals.

The report, which is pre­pared for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture, sug­gests in order to receive opti­mal nutri­tion, pre­vent dis­ease and ill­ness and main­tain a healthy weight, peo­ple should fol­low a col­lab­o­ra­tion of three dietary pat­terns: the Healthy U.S. dietary pat­tern, the Healthy Vegetarian dietary pat­tern and the Healthy Mediterranean dietary pat­tern.

These mod­els were designed by experts based on their sta­ples and rec­om­mended intakes. Research shows that eat­ing high quan­ti­ties of veg­eta­bles and fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, low or non­fat dairy and seafood con­sti­tute a healthy diet.

All the rec­om­mended foods are sta­ples in the Mediterranean diet, which shares com­mon ele­ments with the other two dietary pat­terns.

The DGAC also released a chart out­lin­ing the rec­om­mended daily intake of each food group within all three dietary mod­els. Intakes of these foods are based on caloric intake.

In the Healthy Mediterranean dietary plan, the DGAC says the nor­mal adult should be eat­ing two and a half to three cups of fruit a day and two and a half to three and a half cups of veg­eta­bles. Red and orange veg­eta­bles topped the charts with a weekly rec­om­men­da­tion of five and a half to six cups. Dark greens and legumes are rec­om­mended for less con­sump­tion with only one and a half to two cups per week.

The DGAC also rec­om­mends adults fol­low­ing the Mediterranean diet eat six to eight ounces of grains a day, while pro­tein, which includes meat, soy, seafood, nuts, seeds and eggs, should be con­sumed at a rate of six to seven and a half ounces per day. Dairy should be lim­ited to a daily two cups, and oil intake should be between 22 and 31 grams a day.

The DGAC Scientific Report is in its view­ing stage and is accept­ing writ­ten com­ments from the pub­lic until May 8.


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