`Top Greek Olive Oil Brand Helps 3,000 Families During Crisis - Olive Oil Times
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Top Greek Olive Oil Brand Helps 3,000 Families During Crisis

By Marissa Tejada
Jul. 30, 2013 11:44 UTC


More than 3,000 needy Greek fam­i­lies received a year’s sup­ply of extra vir­gin olive oil from the coun­try’s most pop­u­lar olive oil brand. Altis, which is a house­hold name in Greece, ini­ti­ated a pro­gram to help make a dif­fer­ence for needy fam­i­lies dur­ing the country’s grind­ing eco­nomic cri­sis. Greece has the high­est per capita con­sump­tion of olive oil in the world.

It’s our way of con­tribut­ing to help needy fam­i­lies dur­ing this eco­nomic cri­sis. Our prod­uct is impor­tant for Greek fam­i­lies. After all, olive oil is a key part of the daily Greek diet,” Gregory Antoniadis, com­mu­ni­ca­tion direc­tor of Unilever Hellas told Olive Oil Times. Unilever dis­trib­utes Altis which is con­sid­ered the num­ber one sell­ing olive oil brand in the coun­try.

At the begin­ning of the year, the com­pany began offer­ing dis­counts on spe­cially pack­aged two- and five-liter olive oil bot­tles sold at var­i­ous super­mar­kets through­out Greece. With each bot­tle sold, a sig­nif­i­cant dona­tion was made to dis­trib­ute to those in need. Since the pro­gram began, the com­pany has donated extra vir­gin olive oil to more than 3,000 Greek fam­i­lies, sur­pass­ing the ini­tial goal by 1,000 fam­i­lies.

Sixteen super­mar­kets par­tic­i­pated in the pro­gram and helped dis­trib­ute more than 100 tons of Altis olive oil over the past six months. Unilever employ­ees also vol­un­teered at the super­mar­ket loca­tions by dis­trib­ut­ing the olive oil along with food dona­tions to the Greek fam­i­lies in need.


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