`Oliviera: The ‘Anti-Tourism’ of Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times
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Oliviera: The ‘Anti-Tourism’ of Olive Oil

By Tara Vassiliou
Feb. 6, 2012 14:53 UTC

Type into Google olive oil Nice’ and the first list­ing is Oliviera — a small restau­rant founded by Nadim Beyrouti 12 years ago. This ex-banker now spends his days tool­ing around Provence sourc­ing the finest qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oils from small pro­duc­ers whose focus is excel­lence and fidelity to the ter­roir. According to Nadim, Oliviera rep­re­sents the anti-tourism of olive oil.’ He is proud of the fact that he doesn’t sell soaps, sou­venirs, or his olive oils in fancy bot­tles.

Nadim has olive oil in his blood, hav­ing spent his child­hood in Palestine where his father pro­duced olive oil and trained his son from an early age to recog­nise the traits and idio­syn­crasies of the dif­fer­ent vari­eties. Nadim’s palate has moved on appre­cia­bly from his first sam­pling, when every­thing seemed bit­ter’ to his young taste buds.

Oliviera sells vari­eties such as: Bouteillan (slight banana fruiti­ness, per­fect with the Oliviera Aubergine’ recipe), Frantoio (green fresh almonds, pep­pery arti­choke), and Grossanne (Granny Smith apple and rose­mary). His blends include: A.O.P. Vallée des Baux (sweet almonds, mowed lawn’, great with goat cheese), A.O.P. Aix-en-Provence (green grass, pairs well with steak tartare), and A.O.C. Nice (sweet almond, hazel­nut, arti­choke).

The restau­rant was cre­ated as a vehi­cle to show­case the Oliviera range of olive oils — a happy col­lab­o­ra­tion between sim­ple meals cre­ated from super fresh, high qual­ity ingre­di­ents, that pair per­fectly with their dis­tinc­tive oils. Whilst Oliviera is well-known, Nadim is some­what of a celebrity him­self (replete with his sig­na­ture sus­penders). The revered French chef Alain Ducasse fea­tured Oliviera in his book J’aime Monaco’ where he describes Oliviera as jardin-cui­sine.’

Reading through the numer­ous reviews of Oliviera on Trip Advisor (cur­rently ranked num­ber 10 out of 781 restau­rants in Nice), you will see praise for the olive oils, food and Nadim in equal mea­sure — writ­ten in English, French and Italian — no doubt encour­aged by the poly­glot Nadim who speaks these lan­guages flu­ently, in addi­tion to Spanish, Arabic and German.

Remarkably only two peo­ple work in the restau­rant – Nadim is in the front of the house, and Regine in the kitchen – and even more remark­able is that this is not a hus­band and wife team, but an ex-hus­band and wife team.


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