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'Olive Oil Test' Portal Simplifies Quality Testing

Oliveoiltest.com simplifies and secures the process of getting olive oils tested for purity and quality.

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Oct. 24, 2017 11:13 UTC

A new web­site por­tal, oliveoiltest.com, is sim­pli­fy­ing the process of get­ting olive oils tested for purity and qual­ity.

It’s impor­tant to test olive oil qual­ity through­out the sup­ply chain. This sim­pli­fies that task.- Curtis Cord

The web­site was devel­oped by Olive Oil Times and its founder, Curtis Cord to pro­vide an easy and cost-effec­tive solu­tion for pro­duc­ers and sup­ply chain man­agers.

Chemistry and sen­sory test­ing is per­formed by Eurofins, an inter­na­tional group of lab­o­ra­to­ries head­quar­tered in Luxembourg, pro­vid­ing test­ing and sup­port ser­vices to the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal, food, envi­ron­men­tal and con­sumer prod­ucts indus­tries and gov­ern­ments.

An olive oil test can be ordered on the web­site with just a few clicks. A ship­ping label is gen­er­ated with a secu­rity code to include with the sam­ple ship­ment. Email and text alerts notify when the sam­ple is checked in by the lab where test­ing will imme­di­ately begin.

Another alert will go out when the test results are ready to print, down­load or share.

Oliveoiltest.com uses the lat­est encryp­tion tech­nol­ogy called Strict Transport Security (HSTS) — the web secu­rity pol­icy mech­a­nism used to pro­tect web­sites for banks and trad­ing plat­forms. All test­ing his­tory is safely stored in the user’s fully-encrypted dash­board for fast and easy ref­er­ence.

Olive oil test­ing is more impor­tant than ever before,” said Cord, who con­ceived the idea for the web­site in 2010, secur­ing the domain and Twitter han­dle exactly seven years ago. Like other online tools we are used to using these days, this sim­pli­fies and secures the task of qual­ity test­ing.”

Whether you’re a pro­ducer, importer, dis­trib­u­tor, retailer, food­ser­vice provider or end user, it’s impor­tant to test olive oil qual­ity through­out the sup­ply chain to assure it com­plies with the stan­dards that apply to your sit­u­a­tion,” Cord added.

Logged in users can choose chem­istry test pack­ages to cer­tify com­pli­ance with inter­na­tional stan­dards (IOC), regional stan­dards (CFDA) or choose indi­vid­ual tests to suit spe­cific needs.

Testing ser­vices are pro­vided by Eurofins CAL, a lead­ing inter­na­tional lab accred­ited by the International Olive Council for chem­istry test­ing and the offi­cial chem­istry test­ing provider for the New York International Olive Oil Competition.

Competitive pric­ing assures users can have oil sam­ples tested afford­ably by a world-class lab. Pricing starts at just $25 for a free fatty acid­ity test. A sen­sory analy­sis is around $165. Test bun­dles for USDA, CDFA and International Olive Council stan­dards offer addi­tional sav­ings.

Trained sup­port tech­ni­cians are avail­able 24/7 to pro­vide assis­tance. For more infor­ma­tion, visit oliveoiltest.com.


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