`Fried EVOO a Super Food for Some Women with Diabetes - Olive Oil Times
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Fried EVOO a Super Food for Some Women with Diabetes

By Olive Oil Times Staff
Aug. 28, 2014 08:41 UTC

By now, Mediterranean diets rich in extra vir­gin olive oil are well rec­og­nized for their pre­ven­ta­tive health ben­e­fits against a host of ail­ments includ­ing heart dis­ease, arthri­tis, can­cer, and osteo­poro­sis. As evi­dence mounts for the pro­tec­tive mea­sures of this super food, researches are turn­ing to fried extra vir­gin olive oil.

In a study pub­lished by the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers com­pared the plasma glu­cose and insulin responses in both lean and obese insulin-resis­tant women with dia­betes after con­sum­ing a meal pre­pared with either raw or fried EVOO. The results indi­cated (for obese women only) the fried EVOO sig­nif­i­cantly low­ered both insulin and C‑peptide responses. The lean women saw no changes in insulin or c‑peptide responses.

Diabetes suf­fer­ers rely on foods with a low glycemic load,” or foods that pre­vent a spike in blood sugar lev­els. According to the study, alter­ing food prepa­ra­tion can change the GL lev­els of cer­tain foods.

The use of fried oils for a health­ier diet chal­lenges many pre-con­ceived notions that low­ered weight and increased health are sym­bi­otic. While a healthy weight is rec­om­mended, it is not the only path to main­tain­ing health, accord­ing to the research.

Dr. Carlo La Vecchia, lead study author of a sep­a­rate research study by the Mario Negri Institute in Milan told Health Notes Newswire, the pro­tec­tion of the Mediterranean diet against dia­betes is not through weight con­trol but through sev­eral dietary char­ac­ter­is­tics of the Mediterranean diet.”

Fried foods are not gen­er­ally sug­gested for dia­betes suf­fer­ers, how­ever when fry­ing, using extra vir­gin olive oil is rec­om­mended. The International Olive Council states, when heated, olive oil is the most sta­ble fat, which means it stands up well to high fry­ing tem­per­a­tures. Its high smoke point (410ºF) 210ºC is well above the ideal tem­per­a­ture for fry­ing food (356ºF) 180ºC. The digestibil­ity of olive oil is not affected when it is heated, even when it is re-used sev­eral times for fry­ing.”

This study adds to the­ex­pand­ing body of research reveal­ing the pro­tec­tive effects of olive oil on dia­betes patients.


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