`Live Longer with the Mediterranean Diet - Olive Oil Times
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Live Longer with the Mediterranean Diet

By Elena Paravantes
Dec. 22, 2011 13:39 UTC

According to Swedish researchers from the University of Gothenburg, indi­vid­u­als who fol­low a Mediterranean type diet rich in veg­eta­bles, fish, and whole­grain cere­als while lim­it­ing ani­mal prod­ucts such as meat and milk, live longer.

The researchers stud­ied the diet of elderly Swedes and its effect on their health for over 40 years. The study, called H70, com­pared 70 year olds who fol­lowed a Mediterranean diet with 70 year olds who fol­lowed a Westernized type diet, con­sum­ing more meat and ani­mal prod­ucts.

The results of the study pub­lished in the Journal AGE, showed that indi­vid­u­als who fol­lowed a Mediterranean diet had a 20 per­cent chance of liv­ing longer. According to Gianluca Tognon, one of the researchers, and a sci­en­tist at the Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, this cor­re­sponds to an extra 2 – 3 years.

Three other stud­ies that have not been pub­lished yet sup­port these results, and were car­ried out in Sweden, Denmark and on chil­dren.

This study not only shows that a Mediterranean style diet can pro­long life, but that it can be ben­e­fi­cial to peo­ple from all parts of the world.


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