`Olive Oil Byproduct Rich in Antioxidants - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Byproduct Rich in Antioxidants

By Elena Paravantes
Oct. 2, 2012 15:46 UTC

According to Moroccan researchers olive mill waste­water is not only rich in phe­no­lic com­pounds (a type of antiox­i­dant), but these com­pounds are highly bioavail­able. Bioavailability refers to the pro­por­tion of a nutri­ent that is absorbed from a dietary source.

Abdelilah El Abbassi from Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco along with Hanaa Zbakh from the University of Seville in Spain, con­ducted an overview of key research asso­ci­ated with the phe­no­lic con­tent of olive mill waste (OMW) and its health pro­mot­ing activ­i­ties, as well as the impact of pro­cess­ing and stor­age on its com­po­si­tion, safety and the bioavail­abil­ity.

Based on their review, pub­lished in the Journal of Functional Foods, the authors noted that phe­no­lic com­pounds of OMW are highly bioavail­able and safe, show­ing the poten­tial for use in food and bev­er­ages. Furthermore they believe that since OMW is rich in antiox­i­dants, adding it to bev­er­ages can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the health of the pop­u­la­tion, reduc­ing the inci­dence of car­dio­vas­cu­lar and chronic degen­er­a­tive dis­eases.

This waste” how­ever can­not be treated as such; El Abbassi and his col­leagues stress that if these by-prod­ucts from olive pro­cess­ing are to be used in bev­er­ages, they must be processed and stored appro­pri­ately in order to min­i­mize loss of phe­no­lic com­pounds.


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