`Alfa Laval Unveils Mobile Service for California Millers - Olive Oil Times
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Alfa Laval Unveils Mobile Service for California Millers

By Lori Zanteson
Sep. 21, 2011 10:53 UTC

Just in time for California’s olive har­vest, Alfa Laval has launched a first of its kind mobile ser­vice solu­tion in the state. The trailer deliv­ers parts and ser­vice on loca­tion to olive oil mills through­out California and adjoin­ing states, at no extra cost to Alfa Laval cus­tomers.

A lead­ing global provider of pro­cess­ing equip­ment for olive oil oper­a­tions, Alfa Laval machines power many California mills for the wash­ing, crush­ing, malax­ing, extrac­tion, and final clar­i­fi­ca­tion of their olive oil.

The mobile ser­vice solu­tion con­cept and trailer were unveiled last week at the Opening New Doors for Service” cer­e­mony, held at the company’s Sacramento office. Industry lead­ers from through­out the state attended the cer­e­mony, which was fol­lowed by an olive oil tast­ing and lun­cheon.

According to Eric Schuppert, com­mu­ni­ca­tions man­ager for Alfa Laval USA, the trailer is in ser­vice, and ready to go.” In fact, it has already trav­eled to the south­ern part of the state where it made its first call which, Schuppert said, got pos­i­tive feed­back.

Propelled by the growth of the California olive oil indus­try and cus­tomer input, the mobile ser­vice solu­tion fills a def­i­nite niche, espe­cially for the many cus­tomers who don’t have con­ve­nient access to a parts and ser­vices facil­ity. It’s going to take off,” said Schuppert, who expects a lot of calls once har­vest arrives. In California, that could be any time now.

The diverse cus­tomer base, said Schuppert, is what makes it so excit­ing and dynamic to ser­vice. From the client who just bought a grove, to the rancher, and even the owner of a full scale pro­cess­ing plant, the trailer will pro­vide parts and ser­vices at all hours. It’s all about serv­ing the cus­tomer on a 24/7 basis,” he said, which will likely be the case in the weeks ahead.

We’re for­tu­nate that we’re close to all the cus­tomers,” Schuppert said, though he admits the miles between Northern and Southern California are many. As the mar­ket con­tin­ues to get big­ger, he said, we’ll have to increase the scope” to meet the growth in Northern and Southern California, where olive oil activ­ity has picked up. Another trailer is cer­tainly some­thing Alfa Laval will look into, he said.

As it motors from mill to mill, up and down the state, the new trailer is sure to attract atten­tion, and its timely ser­vice will impact California’s efforts to pro­duce high qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil.


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