`New California Conference to Discuss Marketing Order, High-Density Farming - Olive Oil Times
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New California Conference to Discuss Marketing Order, High-Density Farming

By Lori Zanteson
Jan. 10, 2012 12:14 UTC

Olive grow­ers and proces­sors will gather in Dixon, California for the 1st Annual Olive Oil Conference on January 19th and 20th. The two-day meet­ing will focus on a pro­posed olive oil mar­ket­ing order and prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion for olive and olive oil indus­try pro­fes­sion­als, accord­ing to orga­niz­ers NursTech, a Gridley, California-based sup­plier of prop­a­gated olive plants, and California Olive Ranch. There will also be a trade show fea­tur­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices from indus­try sup­pli­ers.

Marketing orders estab­lish, with a vote of pro­duc­ers, a set of self-imposed rules — and usu­ally an assess­ment or fee — for a vari­ety of indus­try activ­i­ties.

Details of the mar­ket­ing order will be made pub­lic for the first time, said Ken Noran, direc­tor of sales and mar­ket­ing for NursTech, adding that the con­fer­ence dis­cus­sion will cen­ter on olive grow­ers and proces­sors work­ing toward the enforce­ment of olive oil chem­i­cal and qual­ity stan­dards in the United States.

The goal for the mar­ket­ing order is to enforce these stan­dards and improve the qual­ity of domes­tic olive oil. The line-up of indus­try lead­ers and experts will bring atten­dees up to speed on the cur­rent state of the order and its sur­round­ing issues.

Dan Flynn, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the UC Davis Olive Center, and author Tom Mueller will begin the day with an indus­try back­ground and overview. California Olive Ranch’s Gregg Kelley and Pacific Farms’ Brendon Flynn will dis­cuss the need for the mar­ket­ing order. California State Senator Lois Wolk, Australia’s Paul Miller, and sev­eral oth­ers will delve into state involve­ment, the inter­na­tional mar­ket and the finer points of the mar­ket­ing order pro­posal.

Day two will focus on olive farm­ing and grow­ing prac­tices, includ­ing super high den­sity (SHD) olive farm­ing and pro­duc­tion. Xavier Rius, one of the world’s lead­ing experts on SHD olive grow­ing will share prac­ti­cal insight on the har­vest­ing method, as well as irri­ga­tion sched­ul­ing, crop man­age­ment and orchard mon­i­tor­ing. Rius and the other expert panel mem­bers will be pre­sent­ing some of the most cut­ting edge infor­ma­tion avail­able,” Noran said, adding that he expected this to be one of the biggest draws of the event.

Another draw is free admis­sion. Anyone can show up,” Noren said. Event orga­niz­ers antic­i­pate upwards of 200 grow­ers and proces­sors from California, Oregon, New York, Texas, Missouri, Georgia, Florida and Arizona to attend.


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