`Croatian Olive Growers Face a Disappointing Harvest - Olive Oil Times
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Croatian Olive Growers Face a Disappointing Harvest

By Isabel Putinja
Oct. 20, 2014 09:12 UTC
Photo: D.ŠTIFANIĆ, Glas Istre

The olive har­vest has started ear­lier than usual in the Croatian olive-grow­ing regions of Istria and Dalmatia, bring­ing dis­ap­point­ing yields for pro­duc­ers. While 2013 was a record year for the Croatian olive har­vest, local olive grow­ers are fac­ing a poor crop this time around.

Following a rainy sum­mer with less than aver­age tem­per­a­tures, olive trees have been rav­aged by the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) which thrives in such cli­matic con­di­tions. This pest is a seri­ous threat to olive grow­ers, caus­ing the attacked fruit to fall pre­ma­turely and impact­ing the quan­tity and qual­ity of olive oil pro­duced.
See Also:Complete Coverage of the 2014 Harvest
Davor Zanini, an oil mill owner in the Istrian penin­sula, told the regional news­pa­per Glas Istre that local oil pro­duc­ers are fac­ing a par­tic­u­larly bad har­vest and, despite their hard work, are get­ting less olive oil from their crop than expected. While 10 kilo­grams of olives usu­ally pro­duce a liter of oil, this year 12 to 13 kilo­grams are needed because of the poor qual­ity fruit.

Though the Croatian olive har­vest this year is over­all very dis­ap­point­ing com­pared to pre­vi­ous years, there are a few regions which have had good yields. Ivica Ljubenkov, pres­i­dent of the Association of Croatian Olive Oil Growers and Producers (Zajednice masli­nara i uljara Hrvatske) told Croatian news por­tal tportal.hr that some small areas of Dalmatia known for their high-qual­ity olive oil were spared the wrath of the olive fruit fly, like the coastal town of Skradin and Vela Luka on the west­ern part of the island of Korčula.

An increase in con­sumer prices for Croatian olive oil is likely to be the result of this year’s poor olive har­vest.


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