`Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Jaén Granted PGI Status - Olive Oil Times
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Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Jaén Granted PGI Status

By Julie Al-Zoubi
May. 21, 2020 08:57 UTC

The EU Commission has approved the addi­tion of a new Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) for olive oil pro­duced in the Southern Spain region of Jaén.

The PGI was granted to Aceite de Jaén’ for extra vir­gin olive oil pro­duced from olives grown in the province. Jaén’s appli­ca­tion for a PGI was sub­mit­ted in January and was offi­cially reg­is­tered May 19, 2020.

See Also:The Best Olive Oils from Jaén

Protected sta­tus was requested for the prod­uct which was described as, an extra vir­gin olive oil obtained directly from the fruit of the olive tree (Olea europaea L.) and exclu­sively by mechan­i­cal means from olive tree plan­ta­tions located across the entire province of Jaén.”

Ninety per­cent of the olive trees grown in the region are Picual, the main vari­ety in Aceite de Jaén.’ Other vari­eties per­mit­ted in the appli­ca­tion are the indige­nous Manzanilla de Jaén, Royal de Cazorla and Carrasqueño de Alcaudete; and the non-indige­nous Hojiblanca, Arbequina and Picudo cul­ti­vars.

Aceite de Jaén’ is the extra-vir­gin olive oil obtained from olives of the above-men­tioned vari­eties har­vested before December 31, as long as at least 85 per­cent of the oil is from the indige­nous vari­eties.

Chemical and organolep­tic cri­te­ria are also defined for the PGI, such as a max­i­mum acid­ity of 0.5 per­cent, total polyphe­nols of 300 mg/kg, a median score for fruiti­ness of greater than 3 and a per­mit­ted median score of bit­ter­ness between 3 and 6.5.

The approved Aceite de Jaén’ PGI will cover all pro­duc­ers in the area who meet the cri­te­ria and will help pro­tect Jaén’s pro­duc­ers from mis­use and imi­ta­tion, reas­sure con­sumers as to the true ori­gin of the olive oil and ulti­mately pro­tect local value at the global level.

European Union prod­ucts labeled with a geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tion are worth €74.76 bil­lion ($80.74 bil­lion), accord­ing to a recent study from the European Commission. The dri­ving force for growth in the oil and fats cat­e­gory has been both PDO and PGI extra vir­gin olive oils.

Extra vir­gin olive oils with geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tors in Spain rep­re­sented 25 per­cent of the sales value and one-third of the growth.

Jaén is sit­u­ated in the north­east of Andalusia where olive groves dom­i­nate around 90 per­cent of cul­ti­vated land. The region pro­duces around half of Spain’s olive oil which is vital to the region’s econ­omy and cul­ture.

Aceite de Jaén’ joins more than 1,470 prod­ucts already pro­tected by a PGI.


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