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Master Milling Course Returns

Organizers of the annual course say it is designed for "those who have never processed olives to those who have been milling for decades."

Olive Oil Times
By Joanne Drawbaugh
Aug. 2, 2017 08:51 UTC
Olive Oil Times

The UC Davis Olive Center will again host their Master Milling Certificate Course this fall, from September 28 to October 1.

This year’s cur­ricu­lum cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics that aim to help olive oil proces­sors pro­duce bet­ter oil more effi­ciently, accord­ing to the course’s web­site.

Leandro Ravetti, among the world’s top experts in olive oil pro­cess­ing, grow­ing and stan­dards will lead the course. Ravetti cur­rently serves as the exec­u­tive direc­tor of Australia’s Boundary Bend Limited, the award-win­ning pro­duc­ers of the Cobram Estate brand.

The UC Davis Olive Center exec­u­tive direc­tor Dan Flynn and research direc­tor Selina Wang will also serve as instruc­tors through­out this year’s course.
See Also:Register for the 2017 Master Milling Certificate Course

In addi­tion to four days of expert instruc­tion, the Master Milling Certificate Course also offers par­tic­i­pants an oppor­tu­nity to visit olive oil proces­sors through­out California’s Yolo County.

This year’s excur­sions will bring par­tic­i­pants to sites includ­ing Boundary Bend’s recently estab­lished U.S. facil­ity, located in Woodland, CA. A visit to Seka Hills in Brooks, CA was also recently added to the itin­er­ary.

Ravetti told Olive Oil Times, We designed the course to appeal to a wide audi­ence, from those who have never processed olives to those who have been milling for decades. Everybody ben­e­fits.”

According to a sur­vey taken of last year’s atten­dees, ninety per­cent of respon­dents believed that the coursed mate­r­ial would boost their qual­ity or effi­ciency by more than five per­cent,” and sev­enty-two per­cent said that the course was very likely’ to lead to higher prof­itabil­ity.”

Flynn said that these ben­e­fits are achieved by three val­ues pre­sented in the course: a focus on max­i­miz­ing qual­ity in order to yield higher prof­itabil­ity, hands-on field vis­its to top-qual­ity pro­duc­ers, and the oppor­tu­nity to taste the first milling of the sea­son through a ses­sion led by Them Curry of Olive2Bottle Milling Services.

Organizers described the yearly course as a small invest­ment that will pay off in more effi­ciency, bet­ter qual­ity and higher prof­its.”


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