Production / page 105

Jul. 26, 2017

Monterosa Looks to the Future with Eye on the Past

Deep in the quiet sun-scorched hills surrounding the town of Montcarapacho, Monterosa’s philosophy has led it more than once to make the most of the unexpected.

Jul. 25, 2017

From His Sandy Perch, Domenica Fiore's Cesare Bianchini Aims Even Higher

We met the producer Cesare Bianchini to discover what is behind Domenica Fiore and we ended up in an olive grove that evokes an ancient shore, with sand and shells.

Jul. 25, 2017

Project to Plant Acacia Trees in Tunisia Combats Desertification

The brainchild of a 29-year-old women social entrepreneur, a project in Tunisia plants acacia trees to address water scarcity and desertification.

Jul. 5, 2017

Heat Wave Challenges Italian Olive Growers

A heat wave in Italy has caused concern among olive farmers. We asked some experts how to face this current challenge.

Jun. 29, 2017

A Gold Standard Farm in Umbria Promotes Research on Sustainability and Health

Castello Monte Vibiano Vecchio won two Gold Award at NYIOOC 2017 thanks to constant research on quality and sustainability.

Jun. 29, 2017

6th 'Extrascape' Recognizes Outstanding Olive Oil Landscapes

The 6th edition of the competition for the best extra virgin olive oil landscapes, Extrascape 2017, concluded a two-day event that included several speeches by experts in the field.

Jun. 21, 2017

Museum of Istrian Olive Oil Opens in Pula, Croatia

A museum dedicated to the history and development of olive oil in the Croatian region of Istria opened recently in the city of Pula.

Jun. 19, 2017

Beetle Could Pose New Threat to Olive Trees

Researchers have discovered that olive trees are the only non-ash species of tree vulnerable to attack from the invasive Emerald Ash Borer beetle with potentially devastating consequences.

Jun. 6, 2017

Gourmet Olive Oil Under the Baja Sun

Northern Baja California is emerging as another regional producer of gourmet quality olives and olive oils.

Jun. 5, 2017

Study Predicts the Spread of Xylella Pathogen in Olive Trees

A team of ecologists at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) in the UK have released a study in which they constructed a scientific model which may be able to predict how Xylella fastidiosa will spread.


May. 23, 2017

For Spain's 'La Olivilla,' Winning Top Award, Restoring Nature Go Hand in Hand

Just five years ago, a group of neighboring farmers in Sierra de Cazorla, Spain decided to work together and produce high-quality olive oil with respect for the environment. Last month, their Dehesa de la Sabina earned the industry's top award.

May. 18, 2017

New Zealand Yields Down Due to Severe Weather

"We are late to begin (harvesting) by two weeks and I would say the crop is down in volume by at least a third possibly half in some groves." Anne Stanimiroff co-owner of the Rangihoua Olive Estate told Olive Oil Times.

May. 15, 2017

The Man Behind China's Unlikely Gold at NYIOOC

An agronomic engineer from Argentina convinces a Chinese company to improve product quality and strikes gold at the world's most prestigious olive oil competition.

May. 11, 2017

Extra Virgin Territories You Might Not Know

Some lesser-known regions give life to high-quality extra virgin olive oils with unexpected characteristics.

May. 6, 2017

Croatians' Pursuit of Quality Pays Off at NYIOOC

Croatian olive oil producers won a record 22 awards at NYIOOC 2017. Some of this year's winners shared their reactions and what the international recognition means for them.

May. 6, 2017

Italian Brands Earn 124 Awards at NYIOOC

Facing one of the worst seasons in recent years, Italy achieved 124 awards, including 4 Best in Class, 82 Gold Awards and 38 Silver Awards at the 2017 NYIOOC, demonstrating that great results can be reached under challenging conditions.

Apr. 24, 2017

An Afternoon With the Pruning Champion

On a beautiful spring day, we left Rome and drove up to the territory which stretches between the foothills of the Colli Albani and the edge of the Pontine Marshes.

Apr. 18, 2017

WMO Confirms 2016 Was Hottest Year on Record

Carbon dioxide emissions also reached record levels, while sea temperatures rose, and many parts of the world experienced incidences of extreme weather.
