Production / page 117

Dec. 2, 2015

Basilippo's New Label Tells Consumers to 'Cool It'

The award-winning producer has developed a new labeling system that helps keep EVOO at the ideal temperature to maintain quality.

Nov. 30, 2015

Low Olive Oil Reserves Cast Shadow on Spain’s Increased Production

With an estimated 400,000-ton production increase over last year, limited reserves mean inventory will only increase by an estimated 80,000 tons.

Nov. 20, 2015

High Quality, Average Yield Expected from Greece

Preliminary estimates call for an average output of Greek olive oil with excellent quality.

Oct. 15, 2015

California Farmers Remain Unfamiliar with New Olive Oil Commission

The Olive Oil Commission of California is reaching out about its role and the new regulations affecting the state's producers.

Oct. 14, 2015

Greece's Early Harvest Olive Oils

Early harvest oils, with their bitter taste, low acidity, and higher antioxidant content are worth paying a little extra for. If you can find them.

Oct. 13, 2015

To Filter or Not Filter? Well, it Depends.

University of California at Davis Olive Center researchers looked at the data to settle the age-old debate. What they found is that there's no clear solution.

Oct. 8, 2015

High Hopes, Few Answers as Harvest Gets Underway in Italy

Production in 2015 is expected to be up, but too many variables can still affect the final yields to know yet how this year's harvest will play out.

Sep. 28, 2015

France Publishes Report on Xf in Corsica

The report confirmed plants to be infected by Xylella fastidiosa and citrus plants are not at risk from the particular strain.

Sep. 23, 2015

Farmers Lawyer Up in Battle Over Salento Trees

Olive growers from southern Italy, where a Xylella fastidiosa outbreak has led to a major cull of trees, are seeking legal advice to challenge the European Union’s stance on tackling the disease.

Sep. 21, 2015

Non-GMO Labeling for Olive Oil a Non-Issue

Buyers are increasingly requiring assurances that foods are GMO-free, but the controversy has little to do with olive oil.


Sep. 9, 2015

Researchers Use Phages to Eradicate Disease Caused by Xylella Fastidiosa in Grapevines

A similar approach could be effective to treat and prevent Xf infections in olive trees, according to the researchers at Texas A&M University.

Aug. 31, 2015

Restoring the Dignity of Mafia Lands

One group is farming lands once the domain of organized crime to produce organic olive oil dedicated to the young victims of a car bomb meant for a judge.

Aug. 24, 2015

At Dievole, Extra Virgin Without Boundaries

In Tuscany, oil maker Marco Scanu is leading an ambitious project at Dievole estate, recently bought by a South American magnate.

Aug. 18, 2015

France Announces Measures to Contain Xylella Fastidiosa Outbreak in Corsica

Following a confirmed infection of the deadly bacterium, the French ministry of agriculture has announced measures to contain its spread.

Aug. 11, 2015

At Frantoio Franci, Passion Runs in the Family

With its ever-growing record of achievements and accolades, Frantoio Franci is a renowned family-run farm whose main assets are passion and devoted fieldwork.

Aug. 6, 2015

India Says it Will Expand Olive Oil Production

Committing to a larger investment in the crop, the state government will increase the amount of land dedicated to olive tree cultivation.

Aug. 5, 2015

Will the 2015 Olive Harvest Be a Good One?

It’s still early, but there is much speculation and anticipation about the upcoming olive harvest and its consequences for producers and consumers alike.

Jul. 27, 2015

European Commission Publishes Xylella Fastidiosa Factsheet

The document points out that Xylella fastidiosa is one of the world’s deadliest plant bacteria and the only confirmed outbreak in the EU is in Apulia.
