Production / page 138

Oct. 8, 2012

'Eye-Opening' Milling Course at UC Davis

A three day course at the Olive Center that took a comprehensive look at all aspects of olive oil processing.

Oct. 6, 2012

Two More Greek Regions Apply for Olive Oil PDOs

A 'Protected Designation of Origin' label signals the verified quality of extra virgin olive oil and it is a prize pursued by many oil producing regions of Greece.

Oct. 3, 2012

Olive Oil Production on Fuerteventura Shows Early Signs of Promise

Although better known as a tourist destination, the Canary island of Fuerteventura is making its mark on the extra virgin olive oil market.

Sep. 4, 2012

Europe Debates Use of Modified Olive Fly

Spain’s crucial olive fly control program gets underway amid debate in wider Europe over whether to allow the use of genetically modified insects as pest control.

Sep. 4, 2012

Warm Weather's Ambiguous Effect on Olives

Warmer weather can serve as a natural pesticide for olive trees, but it will also cause a reduced olive oil production.

Aug. 6, 2012

New Report Takes Pulse of EU Olive Oil Farms

The average income on olive oil farms has been on a slide and is significantly lower than the average for other farms, according to a new report.

Jul. 9, 2012

New Phase for Greek Olive Mills

A new environmental law makes things worse for the 2,300 olive mills -- more than half the mills in Greece -- still using the "three-phase" production system.

Jun. 26, 2012

'Oli-PHA' Project Develops Greener Packaging from Olive Mill Waste

A new research project promises an environmentally friendly use for the 30 billion litres of waste water generated around the world each year.

May. 16, 2012

Changing Climate Challenges Olive Oil Sector in Catalonia

Water shortage due to climate change could make parts of one of Catalonia’s top olive oil producing regions - the Siurana DOP - unviable within 20 years.

May. 1, 2012

A New Harvester for Traditional Olive Groves

The prototype of what is hoped to be an affordable and efficient harvester for Spain’s traditional olive farms has been developed by researchers at the University of Córdoba.


Apr. 23, 2012

Record Olive Harvest in Baena

Despite budget cuts and the current poor financial climate, Spanish olive oil production in the Baena region of Córdoba has reached record-breaking levels with its last harvest.

Apr. 18, 2012

Olive Varietals: Some Interesting Peculiarities

In Spain, we have around 400 different registered varietals which, according to their importance are classified into majority, secondary and minority.

Apr. 12, 2012

Riogordo’s Milling Honors Verdial Olive Oil

The Olearum Culture and Oil Heritage association organized recently the first edition of “The Milling of Riogordo” which recreated the traditional production of olive oil in the Ethnographic Museum of Riogordo (Málaga).

Apr. 11, 2012

‘Zapping’ May Make Olive Oil Extraction Faster, Cheaper

‘Zapping’ olive paste with pulsed electric fields (PEF) shows promise in improving virgin olive oil yield while reducing energy use and preserving quality.

Apr. 3, 2012

Less Watering Improves Olive Oil Quality, Study Finds

Research conducted at Spain's Universidad de Extremadura (UEx) indicates that less irrigation results in better olive oil quality and increased health benefits.

Mar. 14, 2012

Olive Identification Gets Fast and Easy

New DNA identification techniques differentiate between different olive varieties are hugely more efficient as well as more accurate than previous methods.

Mar. 13, 2012

Extra Virgin of Messini More than Liquid Gold

Extra virgon olive oil produced from trees in Messini, near Kalamata, were found to contain the largest quantities of the well-known oleocanthal and other anti-inflammatory substances.

Mar. 5, 2012

The Cost of Anthracnose

Calls are being made to combat the devastating olive disease anthracnose, which last season caused about €53 million ($71m) damage to the olive oil sector in Italy’s Puglia region alone.
