Production / page 68

Apr. 29, 2021

Labor Shortages, Recent Floods Create 'Insane Situation' as Australian Harvest Begins

Growers and producers hopeful of a bumper harvest after last year’s “oil drought” are scrambling to find solutions for dire labor shortages due to Covid-19 travel restrictions.

Apr. 29, 2021

Olives Among Foods with Lowest Level of Pesticide Residues in Europe, Study Finds

A report by the European Food Safety Agency shows contaminant levels on olives among the lowest of all foods available to consumers.

Apr. 13, 2021

Spring Freeze Devastates Crops in Europe

Unseasonably cold weather damaged blossoming olive trees in France, Greece and Italy. The full extent of the damage will be known in the coming weeks.

Mar. 29, 2021

Volunteers in Italy and Spain to Track Spittlebug Activity

Efforts in Puglia and Andalusia are underway to monitor the spread of the deadly vector of Xyella fastidiosa. Using mobile applications, volunteers will help experts track the insect populations.

Mar. 25, 2021

Italian Olive Sector Must Focus on Quality for Future Success, Report Finds

A lack of cooperation throughout the sector is hurting producers’ bottom lines, according to an agricultural institute study.

Mar. 19, 2021

A Focus on Design and Sustainability in Pursuit of Perfect EVOO

In the Umbrian hills, two families are working to preserve the ancient heritage of an endemic cultivar while embracing modernity with a new mill and tourism operation.

Mar. 15, 2021

New Tool Could Stop the Spread of Main Xylella Fastidiosa Vector

Using sound vibrations, researchers may be able to disrupt the mating of spittlebugs in olive groves. Agriculture groups are calling for more research.

Mar. 12, 2021

New Plant Parasite Discovered in Chinese Vineyards

A new root-knot nematode species was identified in southwest China. Researchers are working to determine whether the parasite is as deadly as other species of nematodes.

Mar. 9, 2021

Oleum Develops New Tools for EVOO Analysis, Authentication

The analysis tools will impact the way blends are made, olive oil quality is assessed and shelf-life is evaluated, according to researchers.

Mar. 5, 2021

Sustainable Tourism and High-Quality Production at Traldi Farm

At their farm in central Italy, Francesca Boni and Elisabetta Traldi deliver outstanding levels of quality while taking advantage of the region’s cultural importance and natural beauty.


Feb. 25, 2021

Extreme Weather Takes Toll on Andalusian Olive Harvest

Production is expected to be around 300,000 tons lower than previously estimated, according to the regional government.

Feb. 18, 2021

Project Helps Growers Prepare for Challenges Posed by Climate Change

By collecting raw climatic data from around the region, the Med-Gold project aims to be a useful tool for the agriculture sector.

Feb. 12, 2021

Remains of 2,500-Year-Old Mill Discovered in Italy

They believe it is the earliest olive oil mill found in Magna Graecia, a region that encompasses most of Italy's southern coastline, where ancient Greek colonists arrived 3,500 years ago.

Feb. 11, 2021

Catalan Producers Emphasize History and Sustainability in Tourism Initiative

The award-winning producers Mil & Un Verd are on a mission: preserve the historical structures and millennial olive trees of their estate while sustainably producing extra virgin olive oil from native varieties.

Feb. 10, 2021

EVOO Consumption in Italy Rose in 2020, Production Slipped

Consumption edged upward in 2020, according to an industry group as production in the 2020/21 crop year turned out to be lower than initial estimates.

Feb. 3, 2021

Bottlers Dispute Application for Crete PGI

With the proposed Protected Geographical Indication, producers on Crete seek control of the production chain while bottlers fear losing profits.

Feb. 3, 2021

Understanding Relationship Between Fungus and Climate May Curb Costly Olive Tree Pathogen, Researchers Say

Minor temperature changes with certain rainfall patterns provide the best environment for the fungus that causes Verticillium wilt to thrive.

Feb. 2, 2021

History and Innovation Guide an Award-Winning Producer in Umbria

Through a fusion of historical influences and sustainable practices, Castello Monte Vibiano has achieved outstanding quality goals while preserving the local environment.
